"Ryan, Chaz." I called them in, bringing Drew in with him but I made sure to block his view from the dead man behind us.

"Daddy." He whimpered, wrapping himself in my arms.

"Are you okay, what happened?"

"Are you a criminal, Daddy?" He asked, tears filling his eyes as he looked up at me. I licked my lips.

"Drew, that's not important right now."

"Danny said you were." He remarked. 

"Did he hurt you?" I asked, turning to Marissa and examining the injuries to her face and neck.

"Yeah, but he didn't hurt the kids." She replied. 

"We're going to get out of here, give me Alyssa." I commanded and she was soon placed in my arms. She was awake, although she wasn't crying and instead just looking bewildered and confused. "C'mon." I ordered, handing Alyssa back to Marissa as Drew walked behind me, Ryan and Chaz behind us. As we were walking down the corridor, Danny appeared with four guys. What the hell happened to Christian and the others? 

"You thought you could outsmart me McCann?" He laughed evily.

"I can outsmart you, you know that." I growled back, getting in his face. 

"Get them." He ordered, but the four guys behind him were shot dead before they could even take a second step. "You guys came prepared." He remarked, nodding his head. "Shame it's not good enough. Just give up McCann."

"Never." I spat back. 

"Boys." He called before I heard two thuds. I whipped around to find Ryan and Chaz had been knocked to the floor and were rushing to get up whilst two of Danny's men were trying to drag Marissa and the kids away, but I was soon to pull them back. From behind I could hear Danny running forward so I turned briefly and pulled my trigger, shooting him in the shoulder as he fell onto the ground, screaming in pain. I left Marissa and Alyssa there whilst I chased after the guys as they carried Drew away. As we ran down the corridor, which seemed to go on forever, I shot one of them in the back, sending him down to the floor but the other still ran. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned, pressing a gun into the side of Drew's temple.

"Let him go." I stated, not daring to move a muscle. I could hear Marissa crying behind me, but I couldn't turn back to comfort her. 

"Not a chance in hell McCann."

"He's innocent and has no part in this, leave him alone."

"He has your blood, he's not innocent." He remarked and chuckled darkly. I looked him dead in the eye and had to stop myself from smirking when I saw Alex and the guys he was with slowly creeping up behind him. He began talking, but I wasn't listening and was instead just waiting for the moment that he would drop down. Alex smacked him over the back of the head with his gun, knocking him out in an instant. Drew darted over to me as I picked him up and placed him onto my hip. 

"There's a door out here, c'mon." Alex informed us as we jogged out. "The bomb has been set." He whispered to me, but I knew Drew heard him. I sighed loudly as Drew stared at me. He shouldn't have found out, and he should in no way be involved with this. We left the bulding and made a dash to the van before we heard hundreds of gunshots from behind us. I placed Drew down and made him run in front of me in the desperate hope that he wouldn't get hit. I turned around and saw at least four guys running towards us. 

"Alex stay here. Take them back to the car." I ordered to the rest of them, leaving me and Alex standing there. I fired randomly with my gun, noticing I knocked two of them down. They were still running towards us when my gun wouldn't fire anymore. "How can I be out of bullets?" I questioned as Alex continued firing before eventually they were all down. 

"I have no idea bro, c'mon." He patted my shoulder lightly as we began jogging away from the warehouse, which was due to erupt into flames at any minute now. As we turned I noticed Danny's van speeding away, and my heart stopped when I saw Drew heading for us. I could hear him shouting on me and Ryan and Chaz chasing behind him, but I already knew that we we're all too far away from him. 

"DREW TURN AROUND!" I screamed as I saw Danny's van getting closer, but Drew being the stubborn kid he is didn't listen. "DREW!" I screamed again as the van headed straight for him. "DREW!" It stopped just in front of him, blocking our view before speeding off again, leaving me to stare at Ryan and Chaz. "They've got him." I whispered, feeling as if my heart had just been yanked out of my chest. 

Tried to make this chapter as suspensful as possible, and I kind of left with a cliffhanger. Please comment what you think as it helps me improve my story so much more. 


Don't forget to check out my new story, High Stakes. Thank you x 

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