I gasp turning to face whoever decided to do that. I’m faced by Pansy and two of her minions. “What was that for, Pansy?!” I exclaim, dusting myself off.

“If was FOR you flirting with Draco!” she fumes. My eyebrows disappear into my hairline.

“Excuse me?” I ask, amused.

“I warned you about flirting with him; I told you to leave him alone! I’m giving you one last chance, Bonor!” she shrieks.

“Or what? You’ll spray me with that nasty perfume you wear,” I ask sarcastically, getting irritated. Her face darkens.

“You think you’re oh-so-great, being a legal wizard, don’t you? Well let me tell you, I can get people who will bring that ego down when they get to you. So are you going to leave him alone?”

“Draco’s a big boy, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need you to make his decisions for him as to who he hangs out with; and I know I’m not going to let you tell me what to do,” I tell her, folding my arms.

“Fine, but only know you brought this upon yourself!” She sweeps past me back into the common room as I watch in dark amusement.

I step back inside, seeing the party is going as strong as ever. I suddenly feel exhausted, and want to go to bed. I start heading towards my dormitory when I’m intercepted by Draco.

“Hey, where’d you go?” he asks, “I was looking for you everywhere!” I glance over his shoulder to see Pansy glaring at me. She points her finger at me and makes a shooing motion. Forget going to bed, no way am I going to miss a change to irate her. I smile at Draco and take the offered butterbeer.

“Sorry, just thought I’d get a little fresh air.” I spend the rest of the evening sprawled out on the couch beside Draco, talking with him, his friends and mine. We fill up pretty much the entire seating area. At some point someone decides it would be a good idea to try to squeeze onto the already full couch, squishing me up against Draco. He smirks down at my uncomfortable look and wraps an arm around my waist.

“Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast, Emily? We haven’t even been on our first date yet.” I laugh, pulling away from him and standing up.

“You wish, Malfoy,” I tease.

“Is that your catch phrase or something?” he wonders aloud.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, it is! Now, I’m tired, I’m going to bed; I’ll see you all tomorrow!” I wave lazily to my friends and head up the stairs.

The next morning I’m late to breakfast because I’ve got to deal with several of my roommates troubles. It starts off in the morning with all the showers being cold-I have to teach every single one of my six roommates the spell to warm the water. Afterwards I have to help settle an argument between Lexis and Sarai, because Sarai thought Lexis stole her hairbrush when really it was Jen. Then I had to help tailor some clothing lengths for my friend Kim, who was freaking out because her robes didn’t go all the way to her ankles. Following that I had to help calm down Zan who was going on her first single date with Fred. Finally, after seven minutes of deep breathing, everyone was ready to go down to breakfast, everyone but me. I still had to comb my hair, find my right shoe, and search for my tie. I sent them on ahead, and finally made it down to eat twenty minutes later.

I plop down with a sigh beside Zan, who hands me a cup of hot coco. “I feel like I gained fifteen years of age in the last hour,” I complain, taking it.

“You did do a lot this morning,” she observes.

“Emily earns the best roommate award,” declares Jen. My roommates around me cheer their approval as we get stares from everyone else in the room. As I start my morning meal, people start walking by and congratulating me on the game yesterday. “Great job, Bonor!”

“Maybe we’ll get the cup after all this year.”

“How come we didn’t get rid of Flint sooner?”

“I don’t know where you learned those moves, they were incredible!” At every one of these comments, my mouth always seemed to be full. Not wanting to be the dork who speaks with food in her mouth, I could only smile and nod at the encouraging words of my house.

“MAIL’S HERE!” a shout goes up from somewhere in the middle of the room. Owls begin bombarding their owners with letters and packages. I get the usual letter from my dad and brother, both of which I tuck away to read later. I tilt my head, confused at the last letter awaiting me.

“Who’s that from?” Zan asks around a mouthful of food. I shrug in response, untying it from the leg of my owl and turning it over to read the return address.

“Denver?” I reply as a question.

“Oh, maybe it’s from Connor,” she says excitedly. “Open it! Open it! Open it!” she grabs my arm and shakes me.

“I can’t if you don’t give me my arm back!” I exclaim, tugging it away from her.

“Who’s Connor?” Sarah asks me.

“Just a cousin,” I reply, “and my best friend.” Zan coughs. “My second best friend,” I correct. The rest of my roommates raise an eyebrow. I sigh and count the heads. “Alright! He’s my seventh best friend!” I laugh. The letter turned out to be nothing special-just telling me that his sister is having a baby.

“Awwwww,” my friends say in unison. Then Zan glances at her watch and jumps up.

“COME ON Emily! I'm going to be late!”

“Late for what?” asks Kim.

“My date!” she exmlaims. I'm nearly ripped out of my seat by her and dragged down to the gate.

"Did you forget this is a single date, as in I'm not supposed to be with you?" I ask, confused on the way.

"Well yeah, but Fred said Oliver said he and George will meet up with us and we'll all go down together. Apparently Oliver owes you a butter bear?" she informs me.

I brighten at the prospect of a free drink. "Oh yeah! That's right! He lost the bet!" I trill excitedly.

We spot the trio up ahead and march up to them. 

"Good morning!" They chorus. Fred immedietly appears at Zan's side, who giggles and takes his offered arm. The rest of us roll our eyes, walking ahead of them and making light conversation on our way down to the town.

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