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I bet you guys thought this was a new chapter... But, sorry, it's not. Chapter 8 will probably come out before next Wednesday though... so don't worry :)

Warning: May or may not involve some minor spoilers.


So, I know my story is a bit confusing to some readers. And I also feel that it's going nowhere. Which is sort of the point.

This "chapter" will describe how the story is going so far, and also a summary of most characters mentioned.

Plot summary (so far):

Kyla is dead. She just goes about her afterlife as a ghost. There is a small introduction to each character and what they did. Some of their words and actions still piss Kyla off, but she can't do anything about it, because, like I said earlier, she's dead. So far, nothing important has happened (Lerissa visiting Victoria is not important, and the fight during English class is only slightly important). Kyla doesn't know why she is still staying on as a ghost, but decides to deal with it.

Character summary:

(Main characters only)

Kyla: The story is from her point of view. She's dead. She was treated badly by a lot of people, but she still dealt with it due to Lerissa's support. But there was one incident which pushed her over the top. However, it is not revealed to the readers...yet.

Lerissa: Often called 'Risa'. She doesn't like Alisa because she bullied Kyla to death, and because she insulted her during English class. She is also very brave. She is usually quiet in class, so the fight in English class does not really suit her personality. She was Kyla's best friend until she died.

Victoria: Kyla's depressed mother. She has been through a lot (the death of her 3 closest family members) but she is very strong. She loves painting, but all her paintings have now became dark and depressing. She treated Kyla horribly while she was alive, but is starting to regret it.

Alisa: Probably everyone's most hated character by now. She bullied Kyla to death, but she is seen by everyone else as perfect and amazing. But people who know her well enough know that she is actually a total bitch. She stole Jay from Kyla to make Kyla jealous, and she is now dating Jay. ( but i don't think their relationship will last much longer ;-) ) She hates Kyla, but now people are starting to hate her. And deep down, she's scared others (especially Jay) will find out about all her wrongdoings.

Jay: Alisa's "boyfriend". He actually doesn't really like Alisa, but he actually *this part is cut out because it is kinda a minor spoiler which I have not mentioned at all*. Kyla has had the biggest crush on him for many years. He used to like Kyla, but then Alisa interfered. Although he thinks that Alisa is indeed amazing (like everyone else thinks), but not perfect, because of her constant moods and whatnot.

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