First day

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The jungle was deep and full of plants which any moment it could kill someone.
"There's a clear spot" Jim said as he pointed though the bright green leaves.
"We will start camp there" meg said. We started walking to the clear spot.

When camp was set up people started setting out their sleeping bags. Not a single person except me noticed that we weren't alone during the night. I looked through the leaves and saw the bright orange eyes.
"We can't have camp here!" I told them.
" Well where else can we have camp?" Meg asked. I didn't answer. I knew what to do. Using logs I put around the tent if if if predators came the logs would make a noise so I knew to evacuate.

That night I heard a faint scream. I poked my head through the zip and saw legs being pulled into a bush. I went back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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