Month 5

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Reese POV:
I was sitting at the restaurant Nathan owned. He was making me a cherry limeade.

"So, how's Niall?" He asked. Nathan was like an olde brother to me. Nosy, but caring.

"He's great. I really like him." I said. Nathan chuckled.

"I just didn't know with all that twitter crap going on." Nathan said handing me my drink. I nodded. I'd have to say, I don't think most I his fans liked me, but the majority seemed alright with me.

"That's just the internet. Nobody likes you on there but a select few." I said. Nathan nodded. The front door bell jingled and in walked Ali. I smiled and waved her over. She'd been on a date with Dean before he went to work.

"Hey guys!" Ali said sitting beside me. We cooed hello to her.

"So, Dean took me to the Waffle House! It was quite great." Ali cheered. I chuckled. The Waffle House was her favorite breakfast place.

"That's great! Did you talk to him about finding him and apartment?" I asked. Ali's face fell. She scratched the back of her neck.

"Well, no. I just can't tell him no!" Ali said. I face palmed. Nathan rubbed his eye. Nothing against Dean, they're just moving way to fast.

"Look Ali. I love you, but in no way is he moving in. He can't. Where would he sleep?" I asked. Ali rolled her eyes.

"With me!" She said like it was obvious. I looked t Nathan for his help.

"Not no, but Hell no!" Nathan said angrily. She rille her eyes.

"Both of you! You two are constantly sleeping at your boyfriends! Have you not stopped to realize to wait till marriage?" Nathan asked. I huffed. Had we?

"What about you and Sarah two nights ago? So loud, I HAD to go to Dean's!" Ali argued. I'd forgotten about Ali saying that. I chuckled.

"That doesn't matter! I'm more adult!" Nathan argued. I rolled my eyes.

"And anyway, Sarah and I are moving on a happy eight months!" Nathan said happily. I rolled my eyes. They argued constantly, and she hated staying at our place because it was too urban for her. Niall never complained.

"You know what. I mentioned Niall to Dean this morning, and he had no idea who that was." Ali brought up. I sat for a second wondering where she was going. Then Nathan spoke up.

"Sarah had no idea who Dean even was either!" Nathan said. Then it hit me. Our 'lovers' had never met each other.

"What if we did a triple date? How about out to red lobster?" I asked. They both nodded in agreement. Great. A triple date with just the couples if hate to have a date with.

~The Next Night~
I wore a white lace dress with black pumps. My hair was in tight ringlets around my face.

"You look super beautiful." Niall said coming up and wrapping his arms around my waist. I was getting ready at his house. I'd spent all day complaining about Sarah and Dean so it was out of my system before the date.

"You look handsome." I said turning where I faced him. He pecked my lips.

"You're so sexy!" Niall said with his lips still on mine. I chuckle blushing.

"We better go." I said pushing away from him. I walked over to his dresser and grabbed my bag. Niall had now made his way over to the bed with a pillow in his lap.

"What are you doing? Let's go!" I said. Was he playing around. I stood confused as he didn't move.

"I need a moment." He said. Then it hit me like a truck. I broke out in a fit of laughter. He had a boner! I laughed so hard.

"Did I give that to you?" I asked. He his his face and nodded. I began dying of laughter again.

"I now know I have that power!" I said walking out of the bedroom laughing really hard.

We all sat at the table. I sat between Niall and Ali. No body had said much.

"So, Reese. How did you and Niall meet?" Sarah asked. Her nose was so far in the air, I was scared a bee was gonna fly right into it!

"Well, actually she was my dance teacher. She choreographed my last music video." Niall said answering. Sarah nodded. I hated her so much.

"It's quite cute to see a star date someone so average." Sarah said pushing a piece of hair out I her face. She was smirking.

"I wouldn't say Reese is average. I'd never date anyone average. I knew from the moment I met her I loved her. I lucked out that she loved me back." Niall said. Ali awed. Sarah shot her a disgusted look.

"How about you Ali? Are you two in love?" Sarah asked. I'd so like to reach out and grab that ugly collared dress and throw her across the table.

"I first met Dean at the super market. He actually bought a bunch of pineapples saying he couldn't eat them alone. So we want to the park and ate them together one day." Ali said. I smiled. Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"That's very... Sweet. Nathan and I met at Victoria Justice's birthday party!" Sarah said. I d heard this story a hundred times. She was the one dressed better than Victoria, and she didn't care.

"Which birthday?" Niall asked interrupting her story. Though she seemed happy.

"Her twenty'th!" She said grinning. Niall chuckled. What did he have up his sleeve?

"Well, Nathan was catering, so he needed help getting in...." She rambled on. Nathan hate this story cause she always made him seem useless. Niall watched Nathan for a second. Then sat up.

"Well, I was recently invited to her latest party. It's zoo themed! And she told me to bring Reese and some friends. So, I'd love to bring you all, in the exception of you Sarah. Because you've probably already got an invitation. So plus four?" Niall said. He said all that as serious as he could. Sarah looked shocked. If she'd gotten in once couldn't she get in again? I squeezed his hand. Oh how I loved him.

"Well, I haven't received the latest invite. Maybe she forgot! Plus five!" Sarah said. Niall chuckled and shook his head.

"No. I mean. If you're meant to go, and last time she complimented your outfit, she'll invite you back. Unless, she really didn't enjoy your presence." Niall said. Ali chuckled. Dean let out a bible of laughter. I was grinning ear to ear. Never had I ever been able to put Sarah in her place. Oh how I loved this.

"To be sure though! Just put plus five, then if not bring another friend!" Sarah tried. Niall leaned forward on the table.

"Sarah, what do you do for a job?" Niall asked. I raised an eyebrow. Where was he going with this?

"I'm a journalist for Insider magazine. I go by Sarathine." Sarah answered all big and bad. Niall chuckled and nodded. I peaked at Nathan who hadn't budged at all.

"I remember seeing a section on her party. Written by a Sarathine Matthews. But, it was about how she was invited to cover the story, then completely bashed it. I wonder if that's going to affect her getting into the party." Niall said. Everyone was completely silent. Sarah narrowed her eyes at Niall.

"I don't know who you think you're playing, but I can dig up dirt on you Niall Horan. I know I can." Sarah said acting all tough and mean. I giggled.

"So that settles it. Plus four, and hope you get in!" Niall said chuckling. DInner went smoothly the rest of the time, only because Nathan and Sarah got up and left. But that didn't effect my night. It ended up being the percent double date.

"I love you Reese." Niall whispered in my ear while Ali was telling a story. I grinned ear to ear so happy.

"I love you too." I whispered back. I loved Niall Horan.

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