Month 3

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Reese POV:
I bent over and twisted my hips. I looked in the mirror and saw Violet following my lead.

"Okay! Let's break!" I said. Violet quickly ran to her phone. Was it bad I did the same.

Niall- Hey baby. Can I come in the dance room?

Me- Sure. I've missed you!

He hadn't even been gone. It was just flirty. What? Can I not?
The door opened, and Niall walked in. He held a bag that was quite big. I grinned.

"Hey baby!" He said. He walked over and wrapped me in a hug. He pecked my lips.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked. He chuckled. He held out the gift bag.

"We're going on our three month anniversary tonight." Niall said. I giggled. His arms around me made me feel safe. I took the bag from him an began to open it. As I opened it, I giggled. It was a dress. A very revealing dress. I looked up and chuckled. He pecked my lips again.

"You better get back to teaching." Niall said squeezing my butt then walking away. Violet danced in the corner counting her steps.

"Okay Violet. Back to work!" I called.

I wore the dress Niall picked out. It was adorable. It was black and kinda short. It had like a piece above my boobs missing, making it quite open. I smiled at Ali while she took pictures.

"Three months, and you're already spoiled." Ali joked. I chuckled. She wrapped me in a hug. Soon Nathan and Niall walked in.

"Look who I found outside!" Nathan cheered. I grinned and walked over to Niall. I wrapped my arms around him.

"You look amazing." Niall said. I awed along with Ali. Ali took a few pictures, then we were off. We got in the limo and we were hand in hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Niall chuckled.

"Somewhere you're going to love." He said teasingly. We soon pulled up to a club. There was no line outside.

"Okay. Did you rent a club?" I asked jokingly. Niall chuckled.

"Not me. Let's go!" Niall's aid sliding out then helping me out. Let's just say, that the bouncer didn't even look at us twice when we entered. There was quite a few people, but not normally as packed as a club is. But, yes there still was loud music. We walked up to the bar. Niall shook hands with a guy with dark chocolate hair. He smiled.

"Oh! Seth! This is my girlfriend Reese!" Niall introduced. I smiled and shook his hand. Something was familiar about him.

"Nice to meet you!" He said sweetly. Maybe I'd seen him on the street before. LA was a big city.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks. Wan something?" Niall asked. I nodded thinking.

"Just a margarita." I said. He pecked my cheek then scampered away. I looked at Seth again. He smiled.

"So, how do you know Niall?"I asked. Seth chuckled.

"Old friends." He said plainly. I nodded.

"Where'd you meet Niall?" Seth asked. I smiled. Just the thought of that day.

"I'm a choreographer. I choreographed his last video." I said. Seth nodded.

"Do you recognize me?" He asked. Here it was. He recognized me.

"I do, but I do t know what from. I'm sorry." I said. He chuckle and waved his hand like no big deal.

"Your friend Alison, choreographed my little sisters sweet 16 dance." Seth said. Now I knew who he was. He was in the lobby the other day waiting, and he complimented my tank too that said Win or Lose, play hard.

"I remember you now!" I said Then as if on cue, Nialk returned holding two drinks. He handed me the margarita.

"You're 21 right?" Niall asked. I chuckled. And held a finger to my lips. I was actually only 20. I turn 21 in two months.

"You sly little girl." Niall whispered. I sat my drink on the bar. Flirty time!

"Let's go dance!" I said pulling him on the dance floor. I was shaking my butt right in front of him. -Okay so reality point. Niall and I had had sex multiple times since the first time. Just thought I'd fill you in.-

"You're so adorable." Niall yelled over the music at me. I chuckled. I pecked his lips. After about two hours of the party, I was tired. My feet hurt from my heels.

"Okay, I'm ready to go home." Niall said. I nodded in agree ment.

We'd been in the limo, and I excepted it to drop me of at my house. But instead, it took us right to Niall's. We got out, and went in. I laid my bag and shoes on his kitchen island. I looked at Niall as he reached in the fridge and pulled out a large thing of wine. Then he grabbed two wine glasses. He grinned. We both walked to the living room and plopped down beside each other. He poured me a drink, then himself.

"So, did you have fun?" Niall asked sipping his wine. I chuckled. And nodded.

"I did. This was an amazing anniversary. Thank you." I said. I leaned over and kissed his lips. He didn't pull away. He just sat there. I hadn't realized he'd taken my wine glass and set them in the coffee table. I was straddling him. Not too long after, my dress came off. All I wore was a black lacy thong. He chuckled.

"You're so perfect." Niall said. I grinned. We began kissing again. Then I heard a loud disgusting noise. I sat up.

"Eww! On the couch!" I turned and saw Louis. I fell off the couch. I climbed behind it. I grabbed Niall's shirt and threw if on over my bare chest.

"Louis! What the heck man?" Niall yelled. I buttoned up the shirt, then stood up. Louis was laughing.

"okay. I'm sorry. I just wanted to see how tonight went." Louis said. At no time, did he attempt to leave. Niall stood up. Louis still laughing.

"It went great, and right now, you're interrupting." Niall said sternly. I stood and wrapped my arms around Niall's waist.

"No, it's okay. I'm tired anyway." I said. I wasn't lying. I was really exhausted. Maybe too tired for sex. I let go of Niall and walked towards the kitchen. As soon as I walked in, Niall started yelling at Louis.

I grabbed a bottle of water then exited the kitchen and walked right past the arguing boys into Niall's room. I laid down in his bed and sprawled out. After about ten minutes, Niall crawled in bed with me.

"I'm sorry Reese!" He said laying beside me. I turned and was nose to nose with Niall.

"Can we start where we left off?" I asked. Soon I was topless on Niall again. Never, was I ever so happy.

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