Beyond the Surface

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I picked up my books and put them in my bag ready to head to my next period.

"Uhh... do you want to meet up some time?", I asked nervously.

He looked at me and smiled.

"For the assignment you idiot!", I said jokingly.

He laughed and looked at his watch.

"After school okay with you?"

"Uhh should be alright", I said looking at my invisible watch mimicking him.

We both laughed.

"See you after school then", I said as I left the classroom.

As I walked out of the classroom, Aubrey joined me walking and nudged me.

"Well?", she asked.

"Well what?!", I replied defensively.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about!"

I stayed silent and looked forward.

"You and Hunter!", she screamed.

"Shh someones gonna hear you! And what about Hunter?"

"Can you look me in the eye and honestly tell me you didn't feel something?"

I sighed. "Aubrey, I swore off guys this year, need to improve my grades if I want to get into a good college. As my best friend you should support me"

Aubrey shrugged her shoulders and giggled.

"Alright then, lets see how long you can deny your feelings for."


I walk into the cafeteria and went to grab lunch before finding a seat next to Aubrey and her Drama friends: Evie, Gen and Jade.

"This meatloaf is super good!", she said with her mouth full.

I looked down at my tray. Eww! It's probably days old.

"I'm not feeling hungry", I said standing up.

"That's how you stay so thin huh?!", said Evie.

Aubrey grabbed my tray and began sharing the meatloaf with Evie.

I walked to the school oval where the school football team were training and the cheerleaders were practicing. In the bleachers, I could see one person. I saw his hair and immediately knew who it was. Hunter! I tried to walk back but he had seen me. He waved. Oh goodness.

I put my hands in my pocket and began walking towards him. When I finally reached him, I sat next to him.

"Soo.." I said to break the silence "what do you do out here?".

He looked straight ahead. "Uhh.. I come out here to think"

He looked so serious I just wanted to make him smile.

"Think about what? How hot the cheerleaders look?!", I said looking at him.

He laughed and shook his head.

"You're crazy", he said laughing.

He jumped down to the seat beside me.

I looked at him smiling.

"Wanna walk?", he asked.

I nodded. He jumped into the football field from the stands. And he says I'm crazy! I opt for the stairs but he reaches out his hands. I take them and successfully place one foot over the other. Just as I'm about to place the other one over, I accidently hit his thigh causing him to fall to the ground and me on top of him. Oh my gosh! I AM LAYING ON TOP OF HIM! I look at him and for a second I swear I was going to kiss him but I resist and begin to stand up. As I do, Principle Jeffreys is standing right infront of me. Oh no!

"Miss Kavari. Mr Johnson. My office now!"

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