Chapter 15

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I know it's short but I feel the content is getting better so bear with me :)

Kat's POV

"What the hell?" I screech while turning away from Liam. "Why the heck do you have yellow eyes? Is this some kind of joke? What kind of freak does something like this?"

"Kat, wait," Liam tried to stop my rant. I turned back to face him.

"No, you wait. I've had enough of you. I've had enough of you ignoring me, your lies, and this stupid eye thing. Like it doesn't even make sense. Why can't you just talk to me like you used to; you don't have to make up crazy stories or put contacts in your eyes. All I've ever wanted was for you to be honest with me," I trailed off while looking into his yellow eyes.

"Kat," he said softly while reaching for my hand. I pulled it away before he could make contact. I could still see the hurt in his eyes even if they were discolored. Suddenly, his eyes went back to his normal color. "They're not contacts."

I laughed nervously. "C'mon Liam. You can stop with this game. I just said we could talk it out. You could have dissolving contacts," I said unsurely. Are those even a thing?

"What about these?" He said gruffly as he scowled his lips to show a set of jagged and sharp teeth.

"Where did you even have time to put those in? I've been watching you the whole time, oh my god," I started breathing heavy and backed away from the boy I thought I knew.

"I told you...I'm a werewolf."

Liam's POV

It took a long time to get Kat to believe me. I don't blame her, seeing how I thought Scott was crazy until I actually transformed on the night of my first full moon. After I calmed her down from having a panic attack, we started talking. I told her about the deadpool, except for the part where she's on it. Which was kind of a big part, like extremely big. Should I have told her, or is that kind of a big brother thing? What if Scott wanted me to tell her, he's going to be so mad-

"Liam?" Kat asked softly. I snapped my head to face her. "Are you okay?"

"Me? Yeah, of course. I mean my best friend probably hates me because I ditched him on a run, I'm slowly dying because of wolfsbane in my chest, I'm trapped in a well with this girl I'm in love with who just broke up with me and her brother who is my alpha will most likely kill me because I told her about werewolves. So yeah, I'm okay," I said sarcastically.

"What did you just say?" she asked with wide eyes.

"I said I'm okay but obviously I'm not okay! I'm freaking out," I replied.

"No, no, no. Before that, you said that you love you mean that?" she looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

I looked down at her and all I could see was the little flecks of gold in her dark brown eyes, and the way her cheeks were flushed red and her hair was so out of place but I couldn't help but think how beautiful she looks.

"Of course I do. And I know you. I know you love me too. And I know even though you're still mad at me for ignoring you, you know how sorry I am and I'll do whatever it takes to get you back," I said truthfully. She placed her hand on my chest. I grit my teeth together to hold in my scream from the pain due to the wolfsbane.

"Liam," she said softly. My eyes focused on her wrist as her veins began to illuminate a light greenish/yellow color. The pain slowly began to disappear as the cut closed up. The pain kept draining as her veins glowed brighter, as if she was draining the wolfsbane from my system. Kat's eyes closed slowly as she fell down to the ground.

"Kat!" I screamed. I couldn't even process what she did. I only cared about her and whether or not she was okay. I shook her body gently and lightly smacked her face but nothing worked. She wouldn't wake up. I knew I had to get help.

I started climbing the rocks in the well to get up. My arms quivered as I pulled myself higher and higher and sweat dripped down my face but I had to get her help. Step by step, I slowly made my way to the top of the well. Just as I was about to reach the top, my hand slipped. But a strong hand reached out and grabbed me before I could fall.

Scott pulled me out and sat me in front of him. "You're okay, Liam. You're okay." He pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but let a few tears fall. Everything was so overwhelming; I'm just a kid. A kid who's a monster, I can't do this. But Scott's voice telling me that everything was going to be okay gave me hope.

"You're okay, you're okay," he kept repeating.

"But she's not," I said solemnly as I looked down into the well where Kat still laid unconscious.

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