Chapter 5 The Mirror Room

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Chapter 5

After the feast Headmaster Rosel stood up and all the plates and food seem to vanish leaving the tables bare once more, all of the students heads turned including Elise and Bartok who had just finished eating bowls of pudding discussing the different types of classes they might have with Karah, a witch with short purple hair wearing a long teal cloak and Newell, another first year in house Durton who's skin was almost white and bright yellow-orange eyes. Karah had attempted to bring up the subject of what 'powers' everyone had which made Elise accidently drool some of her milk onto her black dress, the top armor she had been wearing sitting underneath the table, Elise had no idea what her powers were and she wasn't ready to discuss that openly especially not here with everyone; but a girl just a few bodies down the table screamed and it made a few people, including Elise, Bartok, Karah and Newell look. The girl had wild organ hair like a lions main; she began to curse at the boy sitting next to her accusing him of knocking his goblet of juice onto her lap. Karah jumped up much to quickly causing her knee to hit the table, reassuring the girl with the lion main hair that she would fix it. Karah had sat down her legs still bouncing up and down; she pulled out her wand discreetly pointing it over towards the girl, the few people separating them moving to avoid the wands path. "Emundare." A small string like purple light shot from the end of Karah's wand and began to puff like clouds of smoke around the girl who had the goblet of juice spilled on her lap. She coughed loudly waving the smoke away as did a few people surrounding her, once the smoke cleared she thanked Karah awkwardly but genuinely and the subject of 'powers' was dropped. "First years, Your Head of house will show you to your dormitory. Your things and the rest of the school supplies you are missing will be there." She smiled warmly before the teachers table vanished in a sea of students as everyone stood up at once, it seemed like loud chaos for a few moments until Terapin came into view pushing his thick black glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose. "Durton first years, follow me!" Professor Terapin said, somehow his voice magnified and was heard over all three Durton tables, the first years began to fill in around them as the older students spilled out of the dining room. It seemed that Elise, Bartok, Karah and Newell were in the lead as they followed Professor Terapin up two large marble staircases to the third floor.They walked down a long dim hallway, paintings of every shape and size hung on the walls, Elise noticed all of them were staring down as they walked by and she swear she saw one move. Dark teal carpets lined the floors of the wide hallway, they passed a few doors and Karah had whispered excitedly about what could possibly be behind them. Finally they came to a single door at the very end of the hall, its door was bright teal and silver and stuck out very obviously, Professor Terapin pushed the teal door open. A very large room opened up before them, a few people gasped, some yelled out 'cool!' most muttered 'what the?'. The room was dressed in mirrors from the entire ceiling to all along the floor even a long wide mirror hung on the back of the wooden teal painted door."Is this our common room?" A snarky low voice came from the group of students who began to pile into the room of mirrors; most students avoided stepping on the ones that covered the floor. The boy with long light brown hair and white iris's stepped forward looking around then to Professor Terapin waiting. Elise scrunched her nose slightly for a moment when she caught a glimpse of the boy; she hadn't caught his name during the sorting ceremony but she had a bad feeling about him."No Afen, Now please listen and hold all questions until we are in the common room." Professor Terapin said with a bit more authority in his voice. The bushy, black haired man pulled a long slightly bent looking wand out from the inside of his black and silver cloak.Where all of the teachers here wizards or witches? "Most of the teachers here are wizards or witches." Karah whispered over Elise shoulder as though she had read her thoughts. "The door to the Durton House common room is always moving, always changing; it never stays in the same spot once. Only one of these mirrors holds the entrance to your dormitories." Terapin said sounding extremely satisfied with himself.
"How on earth are we going to find it?" Sier, the normal looking boy who had gone through the judging mirror first spoke from the entrance of the room."Good question Mr. Trans." Professor Terapin almost seem to gush and Elise caught a glimpse of the long haired boy named Afen roll his unusually white eyes and push pasted a few people back towards the entrance away from the rest of the first years who crowded around the head of House intrigued. "Now don't worry if you are not a witch or wizard, this room is charmed so that anyone who has the proper password and school symbol charm will be able to find the mirror," Professor Terapin opened his mouth to move on but Karah had raised her hand and was shaking it wildly in the air."A school Symbol charm? I didn't read about that on any of the registration papers." Karah began to speak as soon as Terapin had stopped talking and looked in her direction."We do not put everything on paper Miss Durm. In case it got into the wrong hands. A school symbol charm is a charmed item that you will need to keep on you to enter the dormitories. Think of it like a key but it can be any item you wish." Students began to chatter quietly to one another about what items they could use, Professor Terapin tapped his wand on a mirror frame closes to him to get the first years attention again. "Revelaret." The teacher said clearly, everyone began to stare around, all of a sudden one of the mirrors on the far left wall with a swirling silver frame began to become misty and the mirror itself began to swirl a creamy milky color like the judging mirror in the dining room. Professor Terapin led the way and the students filled after him muttering and talking quietly. "Tonight you will be able to get through to your dormitories with just the password but tomorrow, first thing before the breakfast feast, you must see Professor Salutor, she is the wizarding class professor you will find her in the main entrance, I highly doubt you will miss her." The professor said with slight amusement before disappearing into the milky swirling mirror. Everyone hesitated for a moment until Karah jumped passed Elise and Bartok and into the mirror giggling happily. Elise glance over to Bartok, he was smiling staring ahead at the mirror only for a moment before he looked over to her, she returned the smile slightly then looked back ahead, clenching her fists at her side she began to stalk towards the mirror disappearing, as she stepped through. Elise only had a few moments to admire to grand room before students began to jump, run and fall through the portal mirror on the opposite side inside the dormitory common room. It was a large room with a few couches, and other assorted comfy looking chairs, there was also a large fireplace agents the back wall, a rather large staircase beside it spiraling upwards, drapes of teal and silver hung all over the room, tall windows lined one wall, the moonlight was shining in and the light from the crackling warm fire made it feel very homey. "Girls rooms are to the left back wall beyond the fireplace, Boys are the far right wall in between the large white bookcases." Terapin pointed over most of the students heads including Elise, Karah and Bartok who had all found each other, Newell walking over to join them moments later all of their eyes following Terapin's out stretched arm to a second spiral staircase in the wall behind them were a large bookshelves stood beside the opening to the stairs that lead to the boys rooms. "You will find your things in your rooms, I suggest you all call it a night as you will need to rise early to see Professor Salutor before the breakfast feast, you will also be receiving your classes, good night!" Professor Terapin said waving happily as he disappeared back out of the portal hole. The first years began to shuffle past each other making their way up to their rooms, girls heading towards the back fireplace and boys turning around and heading towards the bookshelf. The room was almost completely empty besides a few older students sitting at the tables in the back spread out in front of the fire reading quietly, one looked as though he was packing his things up."What a day." Bartok said, his voice making Elise jump slightly.
"Yeah. I can't believe we are here." She said in almost a whisper. Elise noticed Karah standing at the bottom steps that led up to the girls bedrooms. "Are you coming Elise? I think we are sharing a room." The purple haired witch said across the room, smiling. Elise looked back to Bartok once more, he was looking over in the direction of the fireplace before he looked back to her.
"Well, goodnight then, I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully we have some classes together." Bartok flashed a grin to Elise before he turned and dashed up the spiraling staircase beside the white bookshelves. The elf watched him until he disappeared, then she turned on her heel and headed in the opposite direction.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Karah asked walking a head of Elise.
"No." The elf said flatly.
"Since you both arrived at the same time, together, wearing odd clothing, together, you seem close." The girl went on talking as though no one was listening.
"No." Elise spoke again a bit more agitated. "Alright." Karah said looking back smiling at the elf; Elise couldn't help but roll her eyes and smile back. The spiral staircase didn't go up very far; soon they came to a hall floored with more teal carpet, doors lining the left and the right side of the hall. "This is my room, is that your stuff?" Karah asked as she opened the first door on the left and it opened to a large room with three large four poster beds, the room covered with teal and silver cloth and curtains over the window."It is, I think." Elise said in slight surprise. Thought the cloths were not hers she noticed her sword hilt that had been tied to her horse Professor Tulsa had taken sat on all of the other belongings along with a small note.

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