Chapter 2 Bloodline

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Chapter 2

Elise's father stepped into the room and her heart fluttered happily. As soon as Elise opened her mouth Lurez held his foot up and gently kicked the basket indicating for her to be quiet, she shut her mouth quickly. "My king, you seem flushed?" Lurez said stepping away from Elise hiding spot.
"There has been a breech. Someone is in the castle, we aren't sure where or what they want but everyone is on high alert." The king stammered as he stepped into Elise view. His robes were dirty and he had sweat pooling on his forehead.
"Not to mention there have been Dy wolves attacking not only our outskirt farmers but farms on the boarder of Crastapur. Dy Bisht wolves, can you fucking believe it?" Casris fist clenched tightly and slammed down on the table, little figure's and small castles toppled over. Elise had never heard her father swore before. She knew something serious was happening, she wasn't sure yet but she had a bad twisting feeling in the pit of her stomach. All of a sudden broken glass and a women's scream could be heard.
"Man the door Lurez!" The king shouted.
"I will not leave your side!" Lurez protested.
"That's an order by the king Lurez. Man the door!" The king barked and Lurez shot outside of the southern door. The elf king turned and faced the northern door he had walked in through.
"By the goddess of the moon and god of the sun," Elise father was whispering under his breath as he held up his sword.
"If you are truly any kind of god make sure my daughter knows I love her, make sure her blood runs for many more generations." There was a loud knocking sounds a few feet from the door.
"Take my life today if it means hers will go on." The king continued. Elise wanted to jump out of the basket, she didn't understand what was happening, and she was in shock from her father's words and wanted to comfort him from the pain in his voice. Before she couldn't even let out the breath she was holding in, the southern door crept open and a man Elise had never seen stood before the king.
"State your name intruder." The king commanded.
"I am Christapher, an assassin sent from the Northern kingdom,Lord Exrith's orders." The dark blonde dressed in all black including a black cloak and little armor bowed.
"What!" The king boomed.
"That last time Lord Exrith and I encountered everything was civil, were did this nonsense come from!" The elf shook as his fist hit the thick wood table once more, the tiny castle figure's falling to the floor.
"My king, this is really nothing personal I assure you. Hell, I don't even know your first name!" The blonde man laughed forcefully.
"I am Casris, King of the southern kingdom Kingsdown and Northern kingdom Nights Cover, Blood line of Arius, Lord of the elves and king of peace! And you will address me and respect me as such!" Elise hands clasped together and she realized her palms were sweaty.
"I'm sorry King, but you see I just can't do that, because well, I serve and respect no one but MY king." Christapher said with a vicious smile. "Lord Exrith is trying to rebel by sending one man? Ha! Thousands of men will find us in minutes and you will be nothing but a rotting corps." Elise father spat on the floor were the assassin in black stood, the action cause her lip to twitch up in disgust. "That is what you think, but this is happening, king." Christapher licked his lips and by the time Elise blinked he had her father in a death grip. The assassin in black stood holding the King, hands behind his back a knife pointed at his chest.
"And only you and I are going to know about this, your kingdom is going to fall into ruins and Lord Exrith will be there to make it all better." Christapher said pressing his lips to the king's cheek. The elf said nothing as his lips turned into a thin line.
"Say goodbye to your precious bloodline." All of a sudden the little knife plunged into the kings chest, Christapher held it there until blood began to splash out of the king's mouth. Elise watched, her mouth quivering as tears fell down her cheeks, she couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, couldn't think. She stared into her father's eyes as the light seem to fade and he became limp, the assassin tossed his body to the ground and it hit the legs of the table with a horrid, thud. The black assassin picked up the corner of the kings gold and yellow cloak and whipped the blood off his knife.
"Nothing will be the same." Christapher whispered as he disappeared through the large stone window. Elise didn't know how long she stared at the body of her dead father before she fell to her knees in front of him, her eyes swollen red and face soaked with tears.
"Daddy," Elise whispered placing her pale shaking hand over the king's chest where he had been stabbed. "Don't leave me too." She began to cry; terrible scobs bubbled from her throat and pierced the air like winter. Everything seem to be fuzzy and in slow motion from that moment. Lurez entered the room at one point, spoke softly and told Elise she needed to leave before any chaos broke.

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