Chapter 7 I Don't Want Them To Know

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As Elise and Karah came into the large dining hall, they both stood in the door way staring for a moment at the room. It was bright and large windows had appeared on the one wall behind the teal banners letting in the rising sun. Two of the mirrors which had sorted all the new students still stood, one placed at the end of the Welton tables and one on the end of the Durton tables. On the a few tables sat large empty silver and gold plates, on one of the three Durton tables, silver, black and teal cloths lay folded on the plates; On one of the three Welton tables black and red cloths folded on their plates. "Hey, our school uniforms." Elise jumped when Bartok spoke behind her, giving a friendly wave when both girls turned to look at him. "They're just cloaks and scarfs." A bored irritated voice came from behind Bartok, all three students turned to look. Afen stood; like Bartok, he was dressed in complete black, low collard black shirt and black pants. "How about you just stay standing in the door and I'll die out here of old age." A tall angry girl with long black hair said bitterly and sarcastically stepping beside Afen her arms crossing. Elise remembered her from the previous night at the sorting ceremony; she was a new student too in Welton. Karah, Elise and Bartok simply stepped aside watching without saying a word, the angry girl with black hair rolled her eyes and strode past Afen following, staring at Elise for a brief moment before he disappeared into the dining hall to find a seat for the breakfast feast. The three also went into the dining hall, glancing slightly awkwardly at each other before they found a seat beside a few older students."Hey! Hey! You rode in yesterday from the south right?" A girl spoke from beside Elise. Elise, Karah and Bartok turned to look at who it was; it was both of the girls who were standing with the teachers when Elise and Bartok had arrived at the Arch of the school the previous night before the sorting had taken place.The one who spoke had extremely long blonde hair that was straight as a board but it shaped her face and very pale skin perfectly."I'm Elise, this is Karah and Bartok." Elise said nervously introducing the others sitting with her. "I'm Marget and this is Casral, but she likes Cas so, it's just Cas." The girl with long blonde hair said with a smile patting her friends shoulder gently. "You look a lot like the princess over there. I mean, I've never seen her, no one really has, but I've heard stories about her. Long cascading brown hair, elf ears, very pretty, Oh have YOU seen her?" Elise stared at the girl wide eyed, stiff as a board. What was she supposed to say? Elise looked back to Bartok for help while Karah's eyes darted in between the two confused. "Probably not Marget, the princess is always in the castle over there, so unless she worked in the castle herself I doubt she would have seen her." A girl sitting beside Marget spoke, she also had blonde hair but it was much shorter and sat just above her shoulders, she sat very tall a look of uncertainty in her eyes as she stared hard at Elise. Elise opened her mouth but couldn't think of what to say, Elise had never lied before, she never had a reason to lie. Thankfully though before anyone could say anything more the dining room doors opened and students began to spill in like an ocean and soon all the tables, including the teachers at the front of the grand room where full. Marget the older student turned and began to talk to her friend as the tables filled. Sier and Newell sat down across from Elise, Karah and Bartok in a few empty seats; teal, silver and black clothing sat in their plates also, both boys looked confused and gently began to pick up and examine them."Good Morning students and welcome," Headmaster Lazura Rosel stood up and beamed happily at the tables, all of which became silent as soon as she began to speak. "Before we begin our Breakfast feast of the new school year there are a few annulments I will need to make. Firstly, welcome again new students. The cloaks and scarfs before you are yours. They represent your house and house colors. They are also embroidered with Gallay's school symbol." Professor Rosel paused as a gentle murmur spread through the room and the new students, including Elise, Bartok, Karah, Sier and Newell all picked up an article of clothing off their plate to examine it. When Elise picked up the teal cloak it was very soft to the touch, underneath was a long thick black cloak and a silver scarf all with a symbol Elise had seen before; It was the same moon and sun that were all over Professor Salutor's table of merchandise and on the banners hanging in the large dining room. "Now I hope you all made a visit to Professor Salutor before joining us. If you have not, please come see me at once after the fest."Elise thought back to an hour or so earlier when she had meet professor Salutor and shivered slightly rubbing her shoulder gently. When Elise had met Salutor she had no coins to buy a SSC but instead put the school spell charm on her. "Oops." I could hear Bartok mutter under his breath, he had forgotten to pick up a SSC. "Also, after the feast first year students please come find Madam Murry, you will be receiving your classes for this year's school term; you have today to find where your classes are located as they start tomorrow." Rosel made a waving motion with her hand before sitting back down.The back doors that Elise guessed lead to the kitchen burst open and once again, help began to pile out their arms full with plates of food. Once the tablets were filled and the students eager to eat began to dig in and the hall broke into sounds of plates and forks clinking and loud chattering. "I hope we have some classes together." Karah said with half a pancake hanging from her mouth, somehow managing to smile too. "More than likely, there are fewer students this year." Newell said his ember eyes meeting Elise's and she felt her stomach flop up. "Really?" Karah spoke stuffing the rest of the pancake in her mouth. "Yes, Gallay holds over a thousand students usually there are about fifty new students for every one hundred that graduate, this year though, there were only twelve.""That is a big decrease." Elise said as she moved the cloths onto the bench and began to fill her plate. "I wonder why? I wonder what Professor Rosel thinks of it." Karah spoke looking up towards the teachers table; Elise, Bartok and Newell's eyes followed. "Who knows, I just hope I don't get lost tomorrow." Elise muttered looking back to her food as she pushed it around a bit with her fork. "That's what today is for." Bartok beamed happily to Elise then to Karah and Newell. "And well help!" Karah added nodding. By the time Elise had finished most of the students had already departed from the dining hall, including most of the first years but Karah and Bartok who waited. Newell had made a plate, than excused himself a few moments after everyone began to eat, and he hadn't returned. As the three made their way down the marble staircase, each holding on to a piece of thick parchment paper with their class schedules, Elise stared down at her for a moment as they walked."I've got Archery first!" Elise sighed happily clutching the paper. "Oh me too!" Karah said excitedly showing Elise her parchment paper. "Looks like we all have a few classes together." Bartok said back to the two as he waved his own paper in the air."Can we go to the Archery field?" Elise asked still clutching the paper to her chest. Elise, Karah and Bartok hurried outside; it took them almost thirty minutes to find the archery field down the slope beside the school, it was shadowed and covered by large hedges with only a few small openings for bodies to walk through. The field was very large and long, at least 50 targets stood lined in one long row, a tall wooden wall behind them in case any of the archers missed it wouldn't go flying into the woods. Elise approached the large field cautiously Karah and Bartok behind her, their eyes and heads swinging around to take in the giant space. "How on earth did it take us so long to find this class?" Karah said slightly out of breath from the climb down the hill and she was right, it was such a big archery field how did they not find it sooner. "It is not supposed to be easy to find. Too much noise and distraction can distract the mind." A tall women with fire red hair that was pulled back into a low frizzy long pony tail and freckles stepped forward."I am Madam Murry. I am the Archery Professor." She spoke very serious, her hands folded behind her back."My name is Karah, I have you first class." Karah smiled holding out her hand, Madam Murry shook it sternly before her eyes fell on Elise."Elise, I have you for my first class too." Elise stuck out her hand just as Karah had done it, and she rather enjoyed a nice hand shake rather than having anyone bow on their knees. "It is very nice to meet you Elise." Madam Murry said, though she did bow her head slightly to her which caused Elise stomach to knot and pull her hand away abruptly. "Have any of you practiced archery before?" Madam Murry asked her eyes scanning the three. Bartok and Karah both shook their heads no, but Elise merely stared at the teacher, unmoving. "It takes a lot of concentration, dedication, focus and some good aim." Madam Murry spoke and began to pace before the three. After a fifteen minute lecture on how posture can affect a shot, the three were finally able to get away."I can't wait; okay I've got my wizarding classes next, how about you two?" Karah asked out of breath again as they climbed the hill to get back inside the school. Elise and Bartok both had history of magic as their second class; once Karah had dashed off in the opposite direction of them to one of the south towers Elise turned on Bartok knocking him gently in the shoulder."Ouch, what was that for?" Bartok said rubbing his arm. "You said no one would recognize me!" Elise hissed in a fierce panicked whisper. "What?" Bartok stared at Elise as they stood in an empty hall a few feet from the history professor's room. "Madam Murry, she knows! I know she knows!" Elise shrieked her arms flailing in the air slightly."She didn't say anything though, even when she called your name during the sorting ceremony." Bartok said as a matter of fact. Elise thought for a moment and was right, before she had gone through the mirror to be sorted, she had only said her first name. "Do you think she knows what's going on in Kingsdown?" Elise asked quietly as they began to walk again."Do you even know what's going on? Maybe nothing will happen if people find out you're the princess of Kingsdown." The boy shrugged gently. "I'd rather no one find out." Elise said flatly. Once Elise and Bartok had found were there last two classes were the sun had begun to set, they made their way back to the Durton dormitories. Elise and Bartok were only feet from the mirrored room where the entrance of their dormitory common room was when they heard voices. Elise and Bartok both slowed, looked at each other than very slowly shifted towards the open door to listen."I don't know." Afen was saying through clench teeth, it was extremely hard to hear him. Another voice was speaking but it sounded muffled and unreadable. "Not my problem." Afen spoke again. "I don't know and I don't care!" Afen's voice rose in anger and all of a sudden there was silence then, a groaning sound and glass smashing. Elise and Bartok rushed into the giant mirrored room and found Afen kneeled over clutching his stomach, one of the many mirrors that shifted around the room broken. "Are you okay?" Elise and Bartok rushed over to the boy, trying to help but he pushed them off and stood up, a small amount of blood running from his nostril. "Don't touch me." He scowled trying to standing up by himself."What happened?" Bartok asked offering a hand, but Afen simply looked away and continued to pull himself up with difficulty until he stood slightly hunched still clutching his stomach. "I don't need your help, back off." The white eyed boy snapped when Elise reached out a hand to help steady him, she re-coiled quickly. "Just say away from me." He said his eyes staring coldly into Elise's. Elise had never known what hate felt like, but she was pretty sure Afen hated her, why? She had no idea. Bartok and Elise heard glass cracking softly and spun around to see Professor Terapin standing in the door way to the room his mouth open slightly and eye brows buried together in confusion. "What happened here?" Terapin asked as he moved into the room more. "We are not sure..." Elise began and looked over to Bartok. "We heard the mirror break but there was no one when we got in here." Bartok lied, unblinking staring up to Professor Terapin."How odd and unusual." Elise expected the Professor to be angry or annoyed but he was actually smiling. "Well, before anything unusual happens again I suggest you both find your ways to your room." The professor said, his arms wrapping around Elise and Bartok's shoulders as he walked them a few feet closer to a large oval mirror, different from the previous night, it began to glow and swirl. Bartok and Elise made their way through the portal and into the common room which was filled with a number of students chatting quietly, sitting in comfy chairs near the entrance and gathered around most of the tables by the fire at the back of the room. A franticly waving arm caught Elise eyes and she spotted Karah sitting at one of the tables at once with a large book open in front of her. "What's that?" Bartok asked as he stood beside Karah looking over her shoulder, Elise sat down in a chair beside the witch with light purple hair. "It's one of my wizarding and witches books! There are so many spells in here I didn't even know existed!" Karah said excitedly siting her nose into the book scanning it with wide eyes. "Have you seen Newell?" Bartok asked as he stared around the room. Karah shook her head gently. "I'll be right back; I want to go find him... Uh, see if we have any classes together, we are roommates after all." Bartok flashed a quick smile before turning on his heel leaving the room, Elise staring after him. Once he had excited through the portal, Elise turned her attention back onto Karah who was now staring after the portal too."Do you know what his powers are?" She asked in a low voice, with a slight smile, Elise shook her head no. She had never thought to push to find out what his powers where, perhaps he, like her, didn't know what his are."And you?" Elise asked her hands clutching together, maybe Karah didn't know hers either, it would definitely make Elise feel better. "I'm a very advanced witch." Karah said proudly but Elise simply stared at her."I was practicing magic when I was like... 6!" Karah said a bit panicked as a smile crept to Elise face."You don't know either do you?" The elf said. "Either? You don't know yours?" Karah said putting her book back down onto the table slight."Not at all... I didn't even think I was going to get in, but something just," Elise was at a loss for words. "Just told you, you were meant to be here?" Karah finished smiling a bit under her breath."Yes." Elise smiled and the two broke into a quiet fit of laughter. That night Elise finally received word back from Juliet and a rather large sachet of gold coins, Karah had fallen asleep already before the raven had arrived and Elise was thankful stuffing the bag of coins under her thick quilt before attempting to sleep, she tried hard to block out the last memory of her father but it was so hard, Elise wasn't sure when she had stopped crying and fallen asleep but eventually she did.

AfterWorlds (Book 1): Chasing BloodΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα