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"Alex where are we going? Where is everyone else? Is this a date or something?" I asked as Alex held my hand leading me through a medium-sized field.

"You should know by now that any day with me is a date Ava, and you'll find out. Now shut up and enjoy the walk," he replied fluttering his eyelashes.

"But I hate walking, can't we just run?" I pleaded in my annoying whinny voice that Alex for some reason loves. He suddenly stopped walking and with a flick of his wrist I was rapidly twirled into his arms. He planted his lips on mine, intending the kiss to be short and sweet. But I had other plans.

I entwined my hands in his hair holding my close to me and I flickered my tongue against his lips which he immediately parted. Our tongues touched and my arms become covered in goosebumps. My body tingled at his touch on my back and waist and a moan escaped from my lips. Our bodies melted into one and we clung to each other as leaves blew around us in the warm breeze.

Alex reluctantly pulled back for air and looked down at me his eyes sparkling with joy and mischief. If only I knew what that mischief was. "We should go," he said but I only shook my head and guided his lips towards mine. His perfect lips grazed mine before he pulled back and darted across the field.

"What are you doing?" I bellowed after him. He only turned round for a second to shout back to me.

"You're the one that said you wanted to run, hurry up!" and with that he was off again running through the long grass and away in between the trees at the bottom of the hill.

I was tempted to walk home but what kind of assassin would I be if didn't go kill my boyfriend for ditching me? A pretty crappy one, that's what. So I ran after him as fast as I could only to come out at a large clearing with freshly cut grass, hundreds of people gathered around and a massive building slap bang in the middle. The building was white with either two or three floors and was a plain large square.

"Welcome to the Spy School for Denied Spies," Alex said theatrically as he came to stand beside me. "This is the school, the accommodation buildings are behind the cluster of trees over there - see the path? For fighting there's two barn-type-buildings; one for hand to hand combat and the other for weaponry combat.

"In the school you'll learn your everyday subjects such as languages, sciences, English - even though that's not exactly important in our line of work but oh well in my opinion -, etc. We'll all be staying here now, even Charlie and Craig. You'll get to meet other Denied Spies and there'll be some faces that you already know such as Mr Rite who has decided to work here now."

At the exact moment Alex mentioned his name, Mr Rite appeared grinning. "I see you've found the place then, you took your time."

"Mr Rite, why are you here?" I asked.

"Those normal schools are just so damn boring and as much as it displeases me, it seems I've grown attached to you lot," he replied before quickly adding, "And remember Ava, I'm no longer undercover you can call me by my real name - do you remember it?"

"Of course, Mr McCullough," I grinned up at him.


"There you guys are, we've been hunting for you two all morning," Kate said running up to us with Jake slowly strolling behind her. "Charlie! They're over here!" she yelled over to an annoyed looking Charlie.

"Thank God, Craig go attach yourself to Alex," Charlie said as she started walking towards us with her little brother joined to her hip - literally. Craig was holding onto one of Charlie's jeans belt loop if fear of getting lost in the crowds of people.

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