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"So, how did it go?" Kate asked when she saw me come out of the training room. She was lying on one of the couches and her face was as red as a tomato. I tried not to laugh. "Any first aid boxes needed?" she asked instead.

"Not today, just ice I think." I answered and Kate smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

"I've been training since I was Craig's age and I still need a first aid kit," she joked but I could sense that she was being serious. I laughed anyway and sat down next to her. Alex came out the training room shortly after and sat on another couch -being careful as he sat. Kate asked how I done and he smiled.

"She just needs to learn the main rule for free-hand-fighting before we can take her further." He replied and I felt like karate chopping him in half.

"Wait, that's all she did wrong? I've been training for three years and I already know that, when do I get taken further?" Kate whined.

"You haven't fully learned it, Kate, you need to be able to hurt someone, and I mean hurt them." Alex said - somewhat sincerely - lying back on the couch - still being careful when he moved.

I rose from the couch and smiled at Kate, "Yeah, you need to hurt your opponents, like this." I punched Alex hard in the stomach and he filched. "Right Alex," I asked smiling, my head tilted, looking right at him.

"Yeah, exactly like that," he spluttered. I smiled even wider and sat back down next to Kate who was now laughing hysterically.

"Ava, could you help train me, help me get mean?" Kate asked shyly and Alex started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked annoyed by his outburst.

"You! Teaching! Ha! It's so funny!" he laughed but I just smiled. I had a thought; if I did help I'd need someone to help me out, to be a test subject.

"Fine, if you think it's so funny, I'll do it." I said and Alex laughed even harder.

"Will you really?" Kate asked her big brown eyes wide with excitement. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll help you," I said.

"Yippy! Can we start now?" Kate asked excitedly and I nodded, a little bit excited myself.

"We need someone to help out first though, Alex will you do the honours?" I asked and Kate looked at him begging him with her eyes. Alex looked from me to Kate and caved.

"Fine whatever," he huffed.

"Great! Let's get started," I said really excited now. "Alex sit up so that Kate can sit next to you. This is just a little thing I learned by the way, so don't get your hopes up."

"Trust me, I won't" Alex joked. I gave him the evil eyes in return; he immediately stopped talking and sat up straight.

"OK, let's begin before Alex decides to be smart again. Kate sit next to him but face me." I waited for her to get in place before I carried on, "Now I want you to punch him on the arm." Kate did as she was told but she did it really softly. "OK, now do the same but twist yourself round on the seat while you go to punch, like this." I showed her the movement she was to do before letting her try. This time her punch was slightly harder but still not quite hard enough.

"Good, that's much better, now do the same but you're going to get faster and faster. Just keep doing that until I tell you to stop," I said getting off the couch and getting closer to her so I could see her fist. She punched Alex repeatedly while I watched her hands.

"OK, stop, when you're punching someone, your knuckles should face upwards, like you're playing the drums. Now with that in mind, do what you were just doing." Kate punched Alex again and you could hear the contact of Kate's fist hitting off his arm. "Great, now I need you to tighten you're grip."

The Assassin - a Denied Spies Novel Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu