"I didn't take it."

"Ron don't lie to me. You took it so my alarm wouldn't go off and you could skip school. I'm not stupid. Hand it over." I stepped towards him, but he didn't back away, or run like I expected.

"I DON'T HAVE YOUR PHONE!!" He jumped up and down repeatedly. "YOU slept in so I came in to get YOU up!!"

I was pretty good at telling when he lied or not. When he was angry, he threw fits, just like he was now. He kept a straight face without any effort at all.

He wasn't lying, but he was the only one here.

"So it just disappeared right?" I crossed my arms. "Just grew wings and flew off of the dock?"

"Marg I promise I didn't take it. Can I just go back to sleep? Pweaseeee."

"I still don't believe you so you're going to school for lying.." I walked back over to my bed to fix the pillows and blankets before I headed out. When I turned around Ron was still standing there, mouth wide open.

"But.. but I.. I'm not-"

"I SAID YOU'RE GOING TO SCHOOL. QUIT BEING A BRAT AND LISTEN FOR ONCE!" I screamed so loud that I was even scared of myself.

"I.. I-I HATE YOU." Tears were brimming in his eyes.

"Oh really? You HATE me? Well guess what? You're going to school in your pajamas." I snarled back, even though what he had said killed me on the inside, I had to show discipline.. I hated yelling and being harsh but I.. He was just.. My mind wasn't in the right place.

I'll always remember the look on his face.

He stepped a few steps backward hitting his head off the door frame, then immediately dashed out across the hall, being sure to slam the door in the process.

I went to open the bathroom door to talk to him, I was never good at sticking to a punishment, but he locked it.

"Open up Ron." I knocked on the door.

No response.

"Look I'm sorry okay? but you.. just go find some clothes and hurry down to the car I'll be waiting."

I hesitated when walking away. He never gave me an "okay" or a simple grunt. Just silence.

I dragged me feet down the stairs, into the kitchen. I checked myself in the mirror on the way down. Stained white t-shirt, plaid shorts, and a messy braid. Due to the conditions of today, I thought I looked.. Like shit. But honestly no one ever paid attention to me anyway so it didn't matter.

He still never came down, or made a slight noise.

"Ron.. I said I was sorry now come on, it's already been a half an hour since we should have left."

I was heading for the car when I heard him come down. I stopped and turned around to face him. His shirt was a few sizes too big.

"That looks kinda-"

He walked past me, completely ignoring me and my presence at all.


My fingers nervously tapped the steering wheel as I thought about everything terrible happening at this very moment. My brother hates me. I cant have one normal, peaceful day without crying or having a problem. I'm alone. My phones missing. I can't support myself let alone a child. And out of all of those things, the only fixable one was finding my phone.

Anyone in this world could have fallen upon it. My password was what professionals in the hacking business would say is "asking for it" or "stupidity". Anyone wanting information could easily figure it out. 1234. Genius I know. I'm terrible at remembering things.. That's my excuse.

The Preacher's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now