•Man's best friend•

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Dedicating this chapter to silver_lining86 because she's awesome!

Nikolai waited for the girl as she finished up her remaining work. He was watching her every move, studying her. She seemed quiet normal to him. He didn't understand what's so special about her that someone wants her killed by a seeker.

"Sorry for taking so long. We can get going now." Katherine said as she walked up to Nikolai. He was standing next to the entrance.

"It's alright. I don't mind at all." He replied casually. Nikolai was trained to act when it came to situations like this. He was deceitful and manipulative.

Most people wouldn't even notice the way he would crawl into their hearts and put a bullet deep inside it. He was a true example of a cold killer. "Where will we be going?" She asked him.

He knew how to get a girl to trust him. Looks were a good trap but Katherine didn't seem like the time to fall for that. "How about we go somewhere you like? I don't know my way around anyways." Lies all lies.

"That's not a bad idea but are you sure?" She asked as they walked on the streets of Kuala Lumpur. Nikolai nodded and gave her a fake smile.

"Well, we should get a ride then." She said as she started to walk towards the bus stop but stopped when she noticed Nikolai wasn't following her.

"Dan?" She asked as she turned around to face him. She understood why he didn't follow when he held up fancy car keys in his hand.

"Better be a good car, Stiff." She said as she walked towards him. Nikolai raised a perfect brow at her nickname.

"Stiff?" He asked. She smirked as she nodded and winked once. "Don't think I didn't notice the fake smiles. Your posture is pretty cold as well."

Nikolai just stared at her as his cool self shook a bit. He had no idea how this girl saw through him but he liked it. "You'll like it, if you know cars." He said as if the previous topic never occurred.

The girl grinned and gestured him to lead the way. Nikolai turned to the opposite direction and started to walk as she followed. After passing two alleys came a parking lot.

"Holy shit." She said in utter amazement. Her inner guy was screaming in joy. Katherine thought her wildest dreams were going to be real when she sat inside the jaguar.

"Good to see you're a car girl." Nikolai said, part of the real him slipping out. Nikolai may have been cold to pano but he had honestly loved the car.

On the inside, he liked a lot of things and he was happy to have them. There was one part of him that wanted something else though, something deep.

Of course he thought he'd never have that. A man like him could only hope.

"Turn here." Katherine told him as he drove according to her directions. He couldn't help but glance at her every once in a while. Something about her sparked his curiosity as he had never run into any girl like her.

Nikolai wasn't the most best person in the world but when a girl like Katherine would still interact with him knowing his smiles were fake, something was either special or horribly wrong with her. "Stop there." She pointed to a parking spot.

Once they exited the car, Nikolai wanted to slap his forehead. Why did he even let her choose the location in the first place?

"We're at a dog pound?"


"But, why?"

"Just because."

"Alright, I guess." He said with a slight sigh.

They walked inside and Katherine immediately greeted the keeper. "Katherine? Come in, come in. I knew you come today!" The woman was a Malaysian.

Nikolai rose his brow at their exchange. She must have visited the pound frequently. "Come on, Dan!" She said, grabbing his hand and leading him deeper into the building. The contact made him feel uncomfortable but at the same time he felt like it was right.

He kept staring at their hands as Katherine led him towards a cage. "I would like you to meet a dog. Man's best friend." She said happily as she showed him a german shepherd that looked to be around the age of 6 months.

"I know you weren't pleased to come here but, I'd like to change your mind."

"Why do you care about that?" He asked.

She avoided answering as she took the pup out of the cage and handed it to Nikolai.

He was going to have a long day.

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