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Nikolai walked into the office of Pano, the man who received his contacts. "Its done." He said, his voice low enough to intimidate anyone. Pano's head shot up from the pile of paperwork from his desk, his glasses hanging on the tip of his nose. "Huh, what? Oh! Darkai!" He mumbled, setting aside some files.


He was not proud of the name given to him. It did sound very intimidating, as if it belonged to someone deadly, which in Nikolai's case was right. He however was not pleased with the name. He remembered how his mother had felt when his father sent him off to train. She had cried, yelling that her son won't get to live his life as he should. It was true. Nikolai should have had that white picket fence around a ranch house with a Collie playing around with possibly his children. His father had other plans though.

Nikolai was sent off to train to be a seeker at the age of six. Younger than most of the children that were sent hence his higher skills. He trained harder, he became a stone. He had hated his father for the voice of his mother's protest still lingered in his mind.

He threw a recently used glass across his bedroom at a wall. He groaned and held his head, his emotions that he tried to keep at bay were taunting him, teasing him. "Why?" He whispered, clenching his teeth. The man was tortured.

He went to his desk and picked up the file Pano had given him. He chuckled, "Is this all i'll ever do?"

He opened the file, pulling out the contract. What he read made him confused for the first time in his life. "Bullshit." He muttered. Nikolai immediately left his room to go to Pano. He found the strange man sitting in his chair, dozing off with drool pooling at the paperwork. Nikolai punched the desk which immediately caught Pano's attention.

"What the hell, Niko?" He said, glaring at Nikolai. This pissed the seeker off and led to him grabbing Pano by his collar. "Don't ever call me that, understood?" He said in a harsh tone. Pano's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Forgive me, what is it that you want?" He asked the now calm seeker. Pano was surprised at how quick the man masked his emotions, It looked like he never even got angry.

"This, explain this bullshit." He said, slamming the contract down on the desk. Pano gulped and read the contract. He looked up from it and asked, "Yeah? So what about it?"

Nikolai gave him a cold glare. Pano gulped, wishing he could be anywhere else. "She's a human, not a supernatural." He said, not believing what he saw. The young blonde was not up for death.

"She's a job nonetheless. Make sure you cause her hell." Pano said, grinning. Nikolai narrowed his eyes. "Why?" He asked. Pano shrugged his shoulders. "The contractor wants that detail to be done. I'm just glad because I hate blonds."

"This is bullshit." Nikolai said before leaving the room.

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