Bad Wolf

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Doctor's P.O.V

The Earth tilts off it's axel, but it's really just me flying forward into the pavement, debris clattering around me. I look up. There is a faint ringing in my ears and my vision is a little blurry. The Tardis wobbles and and triples in front of me before snapping back into itself. I shake my head to clear away the dizziness and push myself up to my knees.

" Daisy?" She appears by my side in an instant unharmed.

"I'm here. Let's get you up." She grabs my elbow and attempts to pull me to my feet, but I do most of the work, not wanting to seem weak. I brush off my suit, straighten my bowtie, and look behind me. The restaurant has been blown to smithereens. I sulk over to the Tardis and open the door. Daisy walks in after me and closes it.

"Now that's what I call a killer soufflé," she jokes, giggling lightly. I mearly pace back and forth gathering my thoughts. Clara is alive. The Envader is suppressing her, weaking her, hurting her, and makes it look like I'm the one doing it. If I try to kill the Envader I'll kill Clara. If I don't kill the Envader, Clara will be trapped in a nightmare. And I'm the monster. I sigh loudly. Not to mention the Envader works for Missy, which is anything but good. The Envader might keep harming innocent people, but unless I want to hurt Clara I can't stop her.

"Any ideas Daisy?" I ask her. I could really use a second opinion. Clara would know what to know. But of course if Clara was here none of this would be happening.

" One. Kill the Envader." I stop pacing and narrow my eyes.

"If we kill the Envader, we kill Clara," I remind her sternly. Her eyes widen in surprise and confusion.

"Clara's alive?" I forgot Daisy couldn't see us after the Envader cut the connection. Which reminds me.

"The Envader can control the Tardis. What happened while I was in the restaurant?" I inquire.

" The screen turned black after she looked at me. I tried for a full minute to get it working again and nothing. Even the Tardis refused to help me. I thought it was her stopping it. I got frustrated and went to find you."

"Did you follow the pebble?" Daisy crosses her arms and tilts her head, her golden curls falling over her shoulder, and looks at me like I'm slightly insane.

"Uh no. I got the Tardis to lock on your coordinates since she couldn't seem to lock onto the Envader's. Even then she didn't go straight to you. It was like she was scared."

"Scared," I scoff," The Tardis doesn't get scared." I gently stroke the Tardis main frame. "Right sweetie? Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" I coo. I feel myself relax a little as I continue to stroke the Tardis lovingly. But then I start to wonder if she is scared. She has someone connected to her who has control over her functions and has the ability to harm her. Again this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me, but Clara would be dead as well. I find myself wondering was all this worth saving Clara? Was she better off dead? Is she going to die again?

"What did you say?" Daisy asks me, snapping me out of it.

"Oh I was just talking to the Tardis. I do that a lot, you see. You can't just treat her like a piece of machine because she is much more than that; she has a soul. You have to acknowledge her existence-"

"Okay, okay, but can you repeat what you said to her?" She asks with urgency. I answer her hesitantly.

"Right sweetie, who's afraid of the big-"

"Bad wolf?" She rasises her eyebrows at the same time as me.

"How do you know about Bad Wolf? Did the Tardis tell you anything?"

"N-no," she stammers,"It's graffitied on the outside of the police box. I was going to tell you but..." Her voice fades off as I rush past her and out the doors. I circle around the Tardis and stop. Sure enough Bad Wolf  is painted menacingly in white spray paint. Daisy walks around and stands next to me.

"Did you see who did this?" I start to look around for anyone when my eyes land on a car with a shattered windshield. Bad Wolf is scrolled across the side of it as well. It's on a tree, and the sidewalk, and a fire hydrant. Daisy tugs on my hand and points behind us. I turn slowly. There, on the wide brick building, is Bad Wolf  plastered a hundred times over.

Bad Wolf is everywhere.

"She's here."

"Who's here?" Daisy looks up at me.

"Bad Wolf," I answer, almost afraid to say it aloud.

Soooooo, vote, and comment how much you love this story. I really like reading the comments and I plan on dedicating some chapters to the best commenters! I'm a bit worried about my new school's WiFi, seeing as how when I went to open the Wattpad app, all my books were deleted and I couldn't go to the Discover area or do anything. I don't know why the school blocks Wattpad, but it does and I have limited access to other WiFi areas. This frustrates me greatly, not knowing how long it will be before I come across WiFi to update. I'm doing all I can though. So question time! Be honest guys, how do you feel about the 12th Doctor? I think he's okay. I kind of like how he brings out the worst in Clara cause let's be honest, an angry Clara is a cute Clara. And slightly frightening Clara. But he is just so angry and sometimes I feel like he literally has a storm cloud over his head. But hey, he is there for Clara, he cares about her deeply, Clara is good for him, and that's what's important. But that no hugging rule has to go and if anyone can get rid off it, it's Clara. (Remember how much she would hug Eleven? *sniffle) Comment you're answers and hopefully you'll hear from me soon!

-LOWK xxxxxx

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