Forbidden Love (Six)

Start from the beginning

She had really pretty brown eyes, A type of skin color that wasn't too white, or too tan. He also has pretty glowing black hair up to her shoulders, and a cute side-bang that went along perfectly. She was wearing a purple shirt with a cute dinosaur, munching on muffins, or cupcakes, and going 'NOM NOM NOM' It was so cute!

She wore skinny jeans in a normal shade of blue, and black converse. "Hi" I said

"Hey! You must be Bia? The new girl? I'm Hope. Hope Rivera. Nice to meet you"

I smiled, "Yeah you're right. I'm Bia. Bia Sanders. Nice to meet you too."

"Alright, Once you get the hang of it this thing is pretty easy to use. First, you need to log in. I'm going to use mine for now, since you're still new, and the boss hasn't made a number for you yet, so let me do this..."

I stood there and watched quietly, I don't understand how she's so happy. I really admire that. "Alright, now just bring me a random thing."

I nodded, and took a random pair of spiderman headphones. Hope took them from me, and explained everything that she was doing. She made it sound simple.

"You take item, and scan it. Then you get the total of the item itself. Now, when the person has nothing else, you press this button here." She pointed to a neon green button "And it'll add up everything and put in the nessary amount for taxes and all that."

I nodded. "Now before I go any futher, you try."


She took a random bracelet, and handed it to me. I scanned it, It told me the total, and when it did that, I pressed the Neon green button, and everything was added up. "Great!" Hope said

"What do I do now?" I asked

"Alright, when the person gives you the money, you enter the amount that they give you, press enter, and then the register comes out, and you see what the change is. And that's all there is to it"

Wow, this was easier than I thought... "Look, there's someone here. If they buy something, you know what to do."

I nodded. "Thanks Hope."

She smiled, "Any time!" Then she waked away to help out the customer. Wow, not even ten minutes, and I'm pretty sure I've made a friend. I looked around, Hope was helping out the customer, and There were a few other people here and there.

I noticed that somebody came in, and being the nice person I am, "Welcome to Hot Topic" Came out of my mouth. The person looked up, and it was a famliar face... "Hey Bia" He said smiling

I smiled nicely, "Hey David! What are you doing here?"

He laughed, "I dunno, free country?"

"Of course it is. Anything you need help with?"

"Yeah, acutally"


"Will you go on a date with me?"

Did he just ask me out? Wow, stupid mental question... Obviously, since that's what the words, will you go out with me mean.. But, should I? I need to learn better control then... Ah, what the hell? "Sure, I'd love to. When?"

"Tomorrow. Do you work tomorrow?"

"Uh..." Oh, I have no idea when I work.. and when I get off today... "I have no clue... Let me check. Wait a second."

He nodded.

I walked toward the back door, and went in. The boss was sitting at a desk typing some papers or something. "Uh, boss?" I asked

"Hey, Bia! What can I help you with?"

"I have a question."

"Ask away"

"When do I get off today, and what days do I come in?"

"Uh, you get off at seven. Amd you work, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. You show up at the same time you did today."

"Alright, got it! Thanks boss"

"No problem"

I left, and met David. "I get off at seven, I come in at Five. I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays. and Saturdays. So you're in luck. I don't work tomorrow."

"Awesome! Now, I'll come get you at about six. And It's going to be formal."

"I know what I'll be doing tomorrow! I don't own any dresses. Only jeans, converse, and shirts."

He nodded. "I see you then Bia"

I smiled, "See you then"

David left, and I went back to work. Turns out someone was waiting for me. "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry, Thank you for waiting" I said kindly

The woman who was waiting for me smiled, "No problem, Miss."

She then handed me her stuff, and I charged her. When she left Hope went up to me, "Hey Bia! Who was that cute guy you were talking to?"

I smiled, "That's David, I met him a couple days ago at Starbucks. He just asked me out."

"OH! Do you know what you're going to wear?"

"He said it was formal... But problem is, My closet only has Jeans, Converse, and Shirts...."

"I love shopping! Tell you what, When do you get off?"


"Me too! Now, when we get off, we have the rest of the mall, so I say we find you a dress for your date tomorrow! I'm really good at giving people the perfect outfit."

I smiled, and had to try to keep my eyes from turning a seriously happy blue. "Sure!"

Hope hugged me, and went back to work. I just stood there, and waited for people. Wow, I love working here... Everybody's so nice. But I'm pretty positive I'm going to meet a stuck up bitch who will just hate me right off the bat, and try to get me fired. It pretty much always happens.

I sighed, as someone came up to me. I smiled kindly and charged them for everything, gave them back their change, and went to the next person in line.

And before I knew it, It was time for me to leave. I clocked out with the boss, and met up with Hope outside the store.

This is going to be fun. (:

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