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"Oh my god, yes!!! Oh yeah, baby!" Those are the first words I hear when I open the door to my warm, cozy house after being stuck in the rain for an hour. It almost made me want to vomit, but I was shivering too much to care about who Ashley could be screwing tonight. I make my way to the fridge, deciding to heat up a pizza. I sit down at the kitchen counter, ready to bite into the cheesy goodness, when I see the guy who my sister was hooking up with. And boy was I mad. My eyes immediately squinted into slits and my pizza was thrown across the room, landing smack dab in the middle of my ex-boyfriend's chest. He didn't know what hit him until he saw me, my hands firm on the counter and glaring with all the anger I could muster.
"What the hell are you fucking doing here, shirtless? Coming from upstairs?" I spit out with venom, if I were him I'd grab my shit and run. Now you might think that the first emotion I should be going through is sadness, but that usually comes later. Right now I was beyond pissed, I was angry, infuriated.
"Um, Audrey, I can explain! I wasn't hooking up with Ashley-" I could already see the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.
"Excuse me, but who said anything about Ashley?" I say in a bitter sweet tone. His eyes dart from side to side as if trying to figure out the best escape route. I roll my eyes and say, "We. Are. Over." I point a finger towards the door and he pathetically leaves. I watch as he steps into the rain with nothing but his boxers on and a pizza stained chest. I walk over to where he was standing and grab the pizza that was laying on the floor and toss it into the trash, along with my broken heart.

• • •

Now that the anger has left my system, all that's left is sadness. In my room, I'm curled up with chocolate ice cream and my laptop, watching Revenge on Netflix. I'm surrounded by tissues and I couldn't help but cry. We were together for 6 months. We had been through so much together and I truly thought he was the one for me. Now you might think I should also be mad at my sister, but to be completely and blatantly honest, she was a whore. So much of one that I wouldn't be surprised if she was fucking one of her teachers. It's just who she is. And besides, I lived with her, it's not like I could avoid her.
• • •

And as I lay in bed, staring at the blank ceiling at 2 am, I, Audrey Clarke, have decided that I will never ever fall for anyone ever again.

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