Crazy Encounter

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I walked back upstairs and saw something strange outside my window. Somebody was moving in right across from me. I hustled downstairs opening the door to my mom watching to movers pack in the stuff to the empty home. I looked around for any new family and saw Cassidy standing there with her hands on her hips staring up into the house. Her long curls falling down her back.

"No way" I mumbled to myself.

I ran over to her wearing a shirt and some sweats.

"Cassidy?" I asked.

"Shawn Mendes?!" She asked confused chuckling.

"You're my new neighbor?!" I said smiling.

"I guess so" she said shrugging.

I chuckled and looked up into the room she was probably staying in. I let out a big sigh and smacked her shoulder.

"Welcome to Pickering!" I said spreading my arms out in a welcome motion.

"Thanks Mendes!" She said ruffling my hair.

I chuckled and pushed her hand away. Her mom and my mom were talking and I didn't even notice that my mom came over. I said goodbye and headed home with my mom.

"Now she's a cutie!" My mom yelled.

"'Mom! No!" I yelled shaking my head in disapproval.

"Awe come on she's a cute one and funny too!"

My dad walked through the door with a big smile on his face.

"No" I mumbled.

"What?" My mom asked me.

"Because I don't want a girlfriend anymore, ever" I sighed walking upstairs.

I slammed the door and sat on my bed angrily. She doesn't understand that Jessa was my last girlfriend to ever walk into my life for a while. I can't stand women. They're so obnoxious. They're rude and needy at the same time, especially Jessa. I went back downstairs because I heard the doorbell.

"Yo Cassidy!" I said letting her in.

She was wearing lifeguard sweater and some shorts.

"My mom said to come over and ask your mom if she wanted to go out to dinner?" She said confused.

"Oh yeah cool she's in the kitchen"

"Mrs. Mendes..." Cassidy asked walking up to her.

"Oh no honey please call me Karen" my mom spoke.

"Okay, Karen, would you like to go have dinner with my mom?" She chuckled .

"Sure! I'd love too!" She said excitedly.

"Okay, I won't be joining though cause I have to go to work at the pool for the nightshift" she replied.

"Oh that's fine tell your mom I'll be over in a little bit!" She said running towards her room.

She smiled and nodded.

"You work at the pool?" I asked.

"Yeah but it's always empty when I work" she shrugged. "You wanna come by? Everyone leaves around 10?"

I nodded.

"Can I bring some friends?"

"Sure" she smiled.

She walked out and I smiled nodding. I ran upstairs to look around for my swimsuit. It was around 8 o'clock so I texted my friends and my mom about swimming. Only three of my friends could go. Riley, Tanner, and Ian. Tanner and Riley were dating so obviously they were gonna come together. I got dressed and grabbed some things. I texted them to meet me and headed down by myself. I waved over Cassidy and she ripped off her sweater running over to me. Their was only two people in the pool but they were leaving. She smiled walking back over to her chair. She held the floaty between her legs with the whistle in her mouth. My friends yelled over the fence and I ran over to let them in.

"Alright nice pool!" Tanner yelled holding Riley's hand.

They jumped in together laughing loudly. I shook my head and chuckled. I pulled a chair up next to Cassidy and she smiled.

"What you can't get in?" I chuckled.

"Hey! I still gotta do my job Mendes" she said watching my friends play around.

"Oh okay, I gotcha" I said winking.

I jumped in and splashed around pretending to drown.

"Help I'm drowning!" I yelled holding my hands above the water taking a breath of air.

She chuckled and shook her head.

"Very funny Mendes" she said.

"Help! Lifeguard!" I yelled spitting up water.

"I'll save you!" She said confidently putting her hands on hips and diving in perfectly.

She swam up to me shoving the floaty underneath. I chuckled and pushed her underneath. She gasped for hair and splashed me while I chuckled.

"What the hell Mendes?! Are you trying to drown the lifeguard!?" She yelled trying to dunk me back but her she couldn't.

I picked her up and threw her across the pool. She laughed bobbing back up. Ian swam over to me. Cassidy walked out pushing her wet hair back. His mouth dropped and I smacked the back of his kid.

"She's single right?" He asked.

I nodded slowly as she dried off her long legs. I shook my head breaking my trance swimming back towards my stuff.

*Cassidy's POV*

I dried off my arms next and looked over to Shawn as he began to dry off his legs too. His glistening body in the moonlight made me shiver. I walked into the snack booth to grab us some water bottles. I threw one to everyone and smiled.

"Isn't there a basketball court inside?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah? You wanna play a round?" I asked smirking.

"Yeah but don't cry when I beat you" he scoffed.

"Ian you wanna go?" Shawn yelled.

"Nah! I'm gonna head home before I throw up because of these two" he said nodding towards Riley and Tanner.

I chuckled and nodded. We headed inside and I grabbed one of the basketballs off the rack. I dribbled around and she snuck in front of me snatching the ball from me instantly.

"Hey!" I yelled.

She made a shot and snickered.

"You cheater!" I tried to make up and excuse for not making a shot from where I was standing.

"You're just crying because I stole the ball from you Mendes!" She yelled pressing her hands on my bare chest pushing me back a little.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"My turn" I smirked snatching the ball from her grip.

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