"See you then, try not to get too worked up," she teased. Luke rolled his eyes, and watched as she walked to her next class.

Michael walked out of their chemistry classroom and met up with Luke. "So you made up with her?"

"Yeah, and Ashton kind of," Luke admitted, looking down at his hand which still hurt a lot.

Michael shot Luke a questioning glance, "What does kind of mean? I'm sick of sitting alone at lunch, so kind of better be good enough to sit with everyone again."

"Michael we sat alone for a day," he reminded his friend. Luke held up his injured hand for Michael to inspect, "We talked a little, I punched him, and I left."

Michael snorted, "You punched Ashton?"

Luke narrowed his eyes, "Yes, I punched Ashton," he repeated, "and we can sit with everyone again. You just want to see Nikki."

Michael blushed, "Shut up, that's not it."

Luke nodded, "Yeah, sure, whatever you say," he laughed sarcastically.

Michael shoved Luke's shoulder, "You know it's not like that," he whined. Michael was embarrassed about his situation with Nikki, and he wasn't fond of speaking about it.

"But you want it to be," Luke countered, "I still don't understand why you just never told her you liked her after she kissed you."

Michael groaned, "I already told you. I was going to, and then she told me to forget about the whole thing."

Luke sighed, "Obviously she was embarrassed and wanted things to be okay between you two, so she said that."

Michael cocked an eyebrow, "Since when did you become a relationship expert," he scoffed.

Luke gave Michael a "really" look, and Michael nodded understanding what Luke meant. Luke was no relationship expert but he had picked up a few things from dating Mel.

Luke had reached his class and reluctantly walked in, Michael waved him off and was off to his next class. Luke had math this period, he didn't mind the subject because it actually made sense to him. Math had always been one of Luke's strongest subjects, he just disliked having it so early in the morning.

Melody had her next class with Calum, who still looked like an anxious mess. She didn't say anything about his appearance though, he was going through enough. She took her seat next to him, he gave her a painful looking half smile. She smiled back at him, she didn't know if he wanted to talk or not so she would leave that up to him. She didn't like being pushed to speak about things she didn't want to, so she didn't push people either. She missed joyful, bubbly, Calum and she wondered when she was going to get him back. She couldn't imagine the stress he was feeling, or even the stress Ali was under. Being parents at such a young age, especially when they weren't planning for it had to be overwhelming. She wished them the best of luck, with whatever their choices were with the baby.

Melody felt her phone buzz in her pocket, breaking her train of thought. Obviously it was none other but her beloved boyfriend, Lucas.

To: My Favorite Melody
So we're hanging out after school

To: Luke dropyourpanties Hemmings
Netflix and chill?

To: My Favorite Melody
Didn't know my girlfriend was a fuckboy

To: My Favorite Melody
But yeah Netflix and chill and I'll prove what I said earlier

To: Luke dropyourpanties Hemmings
I'm sure you will Lucas

To: My Favorite Melody
Just wait babe you'll see


Lil inappropriate touchin going on in class, lil nasties let their hormones get to them. But like I feel bad for Calum, he wrapped it and he still got Ali knocked up (or did he lol). NETFLIX AND CHILL LOL I CRY. Also tbt to when Nikki kissed Michael, I never closed that case so I thought I'd give you some info on what happened with that. I honestly think I'm just going to make the names to these chapters song titles bc I'm literally too lazy to think of a title so srry I guess.

I'm in cape cod rn, and I don't have a room because my little brother got a room to himself so I'm sleeping in the living room on the couch (-: There is a room in the basement but it's sketchy af and I love myself and I don't want to die so couch it is lol.

OH MY FUKICKCICNIGINGINGING I'm leaving for college on August 30th and I just got my roommate and dorm assignment. So I'm not religious at all, like not in the slightest like I'm agnostic af. BUT my roommate listens to Christian music, and like to each his own like if u like christian music get down to it whatever but like... I'm afraid that she's going to think I'm the devil or something bc I don't do religion. I'm a little nervous but um yeah. I've been online shopping for cute stuff for my dorm and I'm trying to limit myself but I want all these cute things like it pains me.

Thank you for reading and voting and commenting. You're all cool af for keeping with this story even tho it's so bad i think but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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