Kicking Deceptacon Butt!

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I dove to the right taking a vehicon and throwing him into a group in front of me. Another started shooting at me so I pulled a vehicon in front and used him as a shield, I ran to the one shooting and sliced him in half with my sword. I felt searing pain in my right shoulder and saw that one had stuck his sword through it and I was bleeding bright blue energon. "PHOENIX!!!" I heard Optimus yell my name from across the battle field I growled and spun around kicking the vehicon away and pulled the sword out, I hissed as I felt the blade cut through wires and metal; I threw the sword and it impaled a vehicon in the head. I growled in annoyance when a fresh wave of pain shot through my shoulder but I ignored it and charged towards Optimus who was completely surrounded. I shot a few of the vehicons out of my way but I saw a vehicon creep up behind Optimus so I ran to him and impaled him on my sword before turning around to face another that had snuck up behind me. After I dispatched the disgusting creature I felt someone hit my back and whirled around; my sword clanged with Optimus's and he smiled at me "think it's time to call in the others." I laughed "yea I'm pretty sure Ironhide and Shadow would pitch a fit if they weren't invited to the party." He grinned and radioed for the others, I saw the ground bridge open and Ironhide and Shadow were the first two out guns blazing..literally "alright you deceptacon punks who's first!?." A few of the vehicons scattered but were quickly brought down by Shadow who would either shoot or tear them apart. "Ha ha yea this is what I was made for!" She yelled after killing a vehicon. Ironhide smiled and ran to join her, I felt something whiz by my face plate and drew my sword spinning around behind me. There was a vehicon with his weapon drawn but a black and red arrow was sticking out of its head. It fell forward and I looked up to see Blade  jump down from the cliff and pull out her twin daggers as she jogged up to me. "Tighten up sis you almost died...again." "Ha ha, yea and I'm sure Optimus would be pissed" I said, we both laughed and ran to where the others were.

Shadow and Ironhide were fending off at least 20 vehicon's but didn't look like they need help, Bee on the other hand was surrounded so Blade dove in his direction decapitating a few before they could blink, she stood back to back with Bee and they started to push back against them. Optimus was fighting Starscream but I didn't see Knock Out anywhere, then I was slammed from the side and hit the mountain hard. I stood and saw the bright red deceptacon smiling down at me, "well well well...what do we have here? Three mysterious but beautiful femmes, where have you been hiding?" He asked and his optical flashed. I didn't answer him but jumped up and hit him square in the chest with a round house kick. He flew backwards and took out a few trees before stumbling to his feet "you'll pay for scratching my paint job Glitch," he growled "ohhh I scratched your paint, it wasn't a very good paint job anyway." I taunted and he charged me, I ran to meet him but ducked at the last second and grappled his waist flinging myself onto his shoulders then flipping and sending him into the cliff wall. He screamed as his shoulder broke and glared at me, he transformed and drove away like a coward.

I turned to the others and they weren't fighting anymore, "what did I miss?" I called walking back to them; "well the vehicons are dead a few escaped when Starscream opened the ground bridge." Optimus stated throwing his sword into the ground where it stood. "Knockout took off too...apparently I scratched his paint job." Ironhide snorted and walked over to Shadow. Bee and Blade walked up, Blade had energon smeared across her chest and a little across her face plate. Bee looked great "what happened to you Blade?" I asked concerned "oh this isn't from me sis it's from the baddies." She piped cheerful "Yo Phoenix your sister here is deadly with those blades, I mean she was a blur out there" he kissed Blades cheek and she blushed. "Shadow is pretty fragging good too, she's super strong especially if she can tear a vehicon apart while standing on another. Plus shes real good with those cannons" Ironhide rumbled walking up to us. "All that training paid off, but let's not forget our fearless leader and our sister. They totally kicked ass out there, I mean did you see that finishing move Phoenix used on Knock Out!?" Optimus chucked and placed his servo on my shoulder, "yes we all fought well but we need to get the energon loaded and get Phoenix to med bay." "Umm sweety that's not necessary." I interrupted and pointed at my shoulder, the others gasped as a golden light appeared around my shoulder and watched as the wound closed leaving a slight scar. "Well I guess that takes care of that then" Bee joked ,Right then everyone lets get this energon back to base."

We all worked togeather and pretty soon we had at least 50 transformer sized crates stuffed with energon ready for Ratchet to process. "Ratchet open a ground bridge into the storage room." Optimus said through the com link; as soon as we finished putting everything away we were all tired. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm tired.....I feel like I've been hit by a truck" I rubbed the back of my neck venting slightly. "I think I'm gonna use that awesome shower in Optimus's room" I thought to myself and waved to the others while walking to Optimus's room.

When I walked in I didn't see him but I heard the waterfall running, so I poked my head around the wall but didn't see him, "that's odd" I thought. "What are we looking at?" a deep voice rumbled behind me "Oh Frag!!" I jumped up in the air and clutched my spark; Optimus started laughing while I glared at him. "I'm sorry but I couldn't resist." He said in his deep baritone voice as he walked up and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. "You're lucky I can feel your emotions now else I wouldn't believe you." I grumbled and wrapped my arms around his neck,He hummed and nuzzled my neck. I ran my digits down his back and froze..."Optimus...where's your armor?" He chuckled "I hope you didn't think I leave it on when I come in here. "Umm yea I did, before I became a cybertonian angel and.. I didn't know it came off." I said with wide optics as they roamed over his chest. He laughed seductively and before I could protest he had unbuckled my chest armor. It clanged to the floor at our feet as he lifted me up by my waist and unbuckled the rest of my armor; it all fell at our feet in a pile next to his. He held me bridal style and carried me into the cave, he had the water on high now since I was like him and it was warm. He stood under it still holding me to his chest as we both relaxed. "Optimus I can stand you know " I laughed and he put me down but I still clung to his chest.

"You did very well today Phoenix." He said stroking my back I hummed "I had a good teacher." I kissed his chest and and he tightened his grip. I could feel his desire through the bond but I was afraid that's all it was, just a desire for my body and not love that compelled him. "Phoenix I promise you that you are a very beautiful and unique femme, but please know that I do love you. I just want you to be happy and not worry so much. I do plan on having interface I just want it to be special...after all your new body is a virgin." He grinned at my shocked expression "are you serious!?" I shrieked, I wasn't angry instead I was very happy. I regretted the man I slept with I thought it was forever and would eventually marry him but fate has a cruel since of humor. I kissed Optimus and felt joy radiate through both of us, I was crying I was so happy. I pulled back and rested my helm on his shoulder, "you are mine Phoenix cybertonian mechs are very very possessive when it comes to our mates." I smiled and looked up at him, "I wouldn't have it any other way " he chuckled and kissed me again before leading me to the pool and helping me in. I vented and leaned against the wall but then I was placed in his lap. I chuckled and leaned my helm against his chest just enjoying our time together. Tomorrow I was going out on my first scouting mission with him, we were meeting some new autobots. Good thing too we needed some extra servos around here.

* ok guys I upload this from my iPad let me know if you can read it please. Also hope you guys are liking the book so far I love hearing from y'all. Who will be joining our autobot family and what is Megatron planning after he got his butt handed to him. How is Knock Out handling his scratched paint job *laughs with Bumblebee * and what's gonna happen on Phoenix's birthday which is after Shadows? I love you my darling fans keep voting and commenting, plus send me some ideas I do get writers block a lot 😅 *Sam-Prime rolling out* p.s for iPad readers I know the chapters may be short to you but on my phone this was 18 pages long lol.

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