Ch 7 high school life

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We both seemed to stand at the same time and in a matter of second I knew my best friend had my back. Walking straight up to Blaze I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Hi babe, who's your friend? Hi, I'm Mia." Turning I gave a forced smile and held out my hand to the inruding girl. Giving me an evil look she quickly covered it up with a polite smile as Blaze snaked his arms around my waist protectively.

"You've probably heard of me, I'm Marcy. Blaze baby I didn't know you had a new toy. I told you how I feel about sharing, I don't like it."

"Oh don't lie Marcy we both know you're not his toy anymore. See our Blaze here is in a serious relationship, that means he has a girlfriend, not a toy, and his girlfriend is standing right here. So if I were you I'd do three things, check myself, back off, and probably change schools, but lucky for me I'm not you. Oh and don't think about messing with Kevin either, because if you look,he's in love with my girl Annie, and if you mess with either of them I'll be forced to put you on my bad side..." Taking a step forward so I was right in her face I softly whispered my next threat. "And trust me,you do not want to be on my bad side."

"You obviously don't know me. I run this school. I'm the bitch here so don't think you'll have your precious boyfriend for much longer." Being so close I couldn't help but look at her closer. Her skin was so unhealthy due to the act she covered it in layers of makeup.

"Well your time for queen b is over. See you might have been queen but I wasn't here then so things are different. Oh and I don't think I'll have my 'precious boyfriend' because I know I will. Yeah so now you can shut your mouth, march your fake little self, and go get some clothes that actually fit you. Bah-bye!" The girl stomped all the way out the cafeteria doors before the entire room erupted in whoops and hollers.

"Oh-my-gawd Mia, that was amazing!" Giggling I took Blaze's hand and began pulling him outside to a picnic table under a huge oak. I did'nt know why everyone ate lunch inside when it was gorgeous out.

"What about the food you wanted?" His cute lips formed an adorable pout that made me want to just kiss him for hours. Getting all worked up about that girl made me totally forget about my growling stomach.

"Annie will get it. So I heard you don't date girls?" My eyes immediately fell to the ground.

"Wait what happened to the girl I just saw? Now you're shy?"

"I'm shy around you." I couldn't help it, this guy gave me butterflies and made me nervous at the same time.

"I didn't date girls but that was before I met you. You and I, we're different. We have something different than I ever had before, ok?" Nodding I felt his soft hands pull my face up so I was staring into his deep blue eyes before his gentle lips found mine.

"Ok so I got a salad, French fries, and chicken." Annie walked up followed by Kevin, both holding tray's full of food.

"Ewe I don't want a salad." My nose automatically scrunched up. I was the type that ate whatever I wanted and just exercised alot. You should be able to enjoy the taste of food food, not leafs. Plus exercise let me blow off steam.

Life Changes (Rewriting)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن