"But Bobby..." Dean started to plead, until Bobby held up his hand to stop him.


"Yeah, yeah. We got it." Dean mumbled, starting to walk back inside.

When we all turned around, Bucky was sitting on the front porch steps. Looking between Dean and I, and then to Bobby. Confusion etched her face, and she looked down as if she was trying to figure out everything that was going on.

"So you mean to tell me, I don't only have to worry about Hydra, I have to worry about this demon Azazel. And not only that, I have to worry about being made into the Winter Soldier again." Bucky stood with haste, and you could tell she wanted to run, but she stopped herself.

"Hold up a second, what is this about you being the Winter Soldier again?" Dean asked.

"When I was with Zachariah, he told me that Heaven and Hell are starting a war. And both sides were trying to get the Winter Soldier, and whoever got me first, had me as the weapon. Heaven got me first, but I refused. Millions of people are going to die if this war starts, I don't want to hurt more innocent people. But, when Zachariah showed me that Azazel killed my family, I got this hatred, and I wanted him dead that second. For a moment, I would've said yes to be Winter Soldier. I don't know what to do." Her head fell in shame, and her eyes closed.

I went up to her, and just wrapped her in a hug. Just wanting to be with her, right here in this moment. Not having to worry about Heaven, and Hell, and the Winter Soldier. Only worrying that it was her and I only. Dean sat on the other side of her, and placed his head on her metal shoulder, where the skin met the metal. Bobby stood in the back, smiling slightly at us. You could tell he was proud of us. He was thinking that he couldn't have a better "family" then us.

"We're going to figure out a way to stop this war, so people won't get hurt. But we'll also figure out how to kill Azazel. I promise Bucky, and I don't break promises. We're a family now, and family sticks together. Family don't end in blood, Buck." Dean told her, looking at Bobby from the corner of his eye.

"That's right boy. Family don't end in blood. We're going to figure this out. But we're going to keep you safe, and away from anyone that can turn you into the Winter Soldier." Bobby said, patting Deans shoulder.

"What happens if we can't stop this war?" Bucky asked.

"We fight till our last breath to stop it. Come on, it's late. Lets try to get some sleep." I told her, helping her stand up.

We all went back inside, and went our own ways. Dean jumped on the couch, watching some sports game, Bobby was in the kitchen, and Bucky went upstairs. I looked over at Dean, and he gave me a head nod that told me to go follow her. I smiled over at him, and raced up the stairs to Bucky's room. She sat on the edge of her bed, holding a crinkled and ripped in the corner picture. 

"We took this photo a week before mom, dad, and Kenzie died. We thought that nothing was going to happen. As far as we knew, nobody was going to die any time soon. The night that we took this photo, my dad took me out to our hammock in the back yard, and sat with me in his arms. Dad would read my favorite bed time stories in Latin, so I could understand the language quicker. He always wanted the best for me. Helping me with homework, or trying out for softball. He was my super hero without a cape." Bucky said, looking down at the picture.

"He seems like a great man. Your dad would be so proud of the person you turned out to be today." I told her, sitting right next to her on the bed.

She unhumorously laughed once, and held back tears. They didn't pool around the eyes, and you couldn't see any tears, but you knew if she could, Bucky would be crying.

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