4.2 : Nuella Jan Winters

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I woke up the rest of the team, and proceeded to get ready for the ball. Natsu wore a button up white long-sleeved polo and a black vest. Like what he wore in Count Balsamico's ball.

We were all dressed up when someone knocked on out door.

"Come in."

"Hey Lucy."

Nuella looked amazing. She wore a violet ball gown, and had her hair curled.

"Can you tell me why we're going to a ball?"

"Cause... My dad... Is gonna look for someone who's gonna marry me."

"What?" My eyes widened, "Why would he do that? 

"Because when I was sixteen, dad told me I had to marry when I was eighteen and. well, this is it. Today is my eighteenth birthday."

Really now? I have to get her a gift. 

"Nuella happy birthday~ I need to go. Promise, I'll be back before the ball!"

I went off to the market, but while on the way, I saw a light blue large envelope in one of the trash cans. I didn't know why but I picked it up.

Opening it, I found something perfect for Nuella.

POV: Nuella

Today is the day... My heart gets lost. Even if I love someone, someone not allowed for me to marry. All the people in the ball are elites and rich princes of other secret kingdoms.

Yes. There are other secret kingdoms. We are called the Unknown world by outsiders. Many, many kingdoms are hidden.

I am now in my room, in Dad's mansion, readying myself. Suddenly dad came in. 

"Nuella... Are you ready?"

"Yes dad. Let us go."

Me and Dad went off to the ball. There I saw all the Fairy Tail Members.

I smiled. They all looked gorgeous. 

"The royal ball has officially started." I heard Dad say. 

The music started, and different guys danced with me... Then he came.



"I have to tell you that..."

"Tell me that...?"

"I love you. I don't know if--"

"I do too. But I must marry someone of Royalty."

"Yes, but I hope you don't forget me."

And he left. He left me with no say to his last words to me. He left me to be betrothed to someone... else.

"Nuella, you okay?" Gray asked.

I sighed and nodded.

"Want to dance?"


Gray was actually a great dancer.

"So, Nuella, d'ya think I can redo the future?"

"This is about you and Lucy again is it not?"

"Uhhhh... Yeah."

"I don't think you can Gray."

"Thanks for telling me I can and-- Wait, you don't think I can?"

I nodded.  He frowned.

"Gray, this is the real deal, and I know that reality hurts. It hurts a lot more than you can bear."

He smiled weakly, but it was obvious that he was pained.

"Thank you Nuella. For letting me know that I can't do anything. That I have no chance."

I frowned. That wasn't what I meant! Gray sounded angry... But nevertheless... He didn't look like it. I didn't follow him.

POV: Lucy

Layla and Ken danced with other kids, as me and Natsu danced too. He kissed me gently on the cheek.

"Lucy... I love you. You know that?"

"Of course I do."

Natsu just smiled and hugged me. I blushed lightly.

"Come on Luce, let's dance!"

I smiled and nodded, and we danced the whole night away...

"It's time to choose my beloved daughter's future husband!" ~Mayor Ritson

All the prince's from all-over the ballroom scrammed.

"To choose the person my daughter will marr, this necklace will help. The necklace will be hung at the top of the Castle tower. First one to take the necklace will--" ~Mayor Ritson

"Wait! I declare Joshua Winters worthy of joining!" someone shouted.

"What? He is not a prince, and never will be!"

Then a lady appeared. She wore a blood red ball gown and a diamond-studded crown. She had black hair that was shaded with white due to old age.

"My son is Joshua. I am the queen of one of the Secret Kingdoms."

"How did--"

Mayor Ritson said that and the necklace on his hand disappeared. Joshua Winters hurried and ran up to the Castle's highest tower.

And he got there.

From lacrima-image, I saw him take the necklace and run back here.

"Nuella Jan Ritson. Will you Marry me?" ~Joshua

He knelt down infront of Nuella 

"Of course!"

Nuella's tears couldn't be hidden. She cupped her mouth and nose with both of her hands, and hugged Joshua ever so dearly. I guess people do have happy endings, and this was theirs.

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