“Who the hell are they trying to film?” I exclaimed. I got out the car and pushed through paparazzi, I ran into someone and fell back. “Ow!” I exclaimed.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to me feet. “Uh, I-I’ll make up for this one day, I just have to…go.” He said. He kissed my cheek swiftly and ran off. Paparazi ran after him to where ever he went and I stood there for a second.

“HEY! Come on!” Zach yelled. I ran back to the car and hopped in.

“That was weird.” I mumbled, driving off from the curb.

“Merry Christmas baby!” I screamed. Marissa handed me a present and I handed her the present I got for her. “What is it?” I asked, looking at the box. I pulled the lid off the box and a silver locket showed. It reminded me of the time I got a locket from Zayn…oh how that turned. I clicked it open and a picture of Xavier, Zach, Marissa and I showed. “Oh it’s beautiful, thanks.” I squeaked, hugging her tightly. I just gave her a nice bracelet with charms. I gave both Zach and Xavier new games for their Play Station 3. They both got me new belly piercings, which I was thankful for. I’m just ready for my birthday which is 3 days away and when I finally get to drink legally everywhere. After we opened each other’s presents we all headed out of the house to go to some fancy restaurant where it’s pretty much impossible to get a reservation unless you’re famous, but we know people so we got a table anyways. We all sat down in the booth and I pushed lose pieces of hair behind my ear.

“Zayn and Perrie have been married 3 months now; hopefully they last long and don’t do a Kim and Kris.” Marissa said, scrolling through her Twitter.

“Nice…” I mumbled. We ordered our food and continued to celebrate Christmas in the almost empty place. I guess everyone was at home with family and parent, celebrating Christmas. I’m more surprised that this restaurant is even open. Maybe these workers have nowhere to go, or just so unfortunate that they got work on Christmas. I turned around in my seat and was faced with another person’s blonde head. This was a big group. You know, one of the groups where they had to being in tables to make a really big one. By the looks of it there were about 15 people. “I want to get another tattoo.” I said, turning back around.

“What of?” Zach asked.

“A small elephant!” I exclaimed. “Oh my god, imagine a baby elephant…yes a baby elephant!” I said, holding my arms out.

“Why?” Marissa asked.

“Ok maybe not…Hakuna Matata is what I want actually.” I said sadly. There was an awkward silence and we all grinned at each other.

“IT MEANS NO WORRIES!” we all sang together. “Oh my gosh we should all get it!” I exclaimed.

“No.” both Zach and Xavier said shaking their heads. Whatever, it’s not really a manly thing to get it on your wrist anyways.

“I will!” Marissa said smiling widely.

“That’s my girl! And you should get your belly button pierced like me, then when we go to the beach we can be like.” I posed ducking up my lips. “Then all the guys will be like.” I pretended to act like a guy and pull my sunglasses down the bridge of my nose. “And we’ll be like.” I pulled my hair out of the bun and whipped my hair around.

“Maybe…” she said shrugging. “Does it hurt a lot?” she asked.

“It’s like a really hard pinch for a second, and then it’s wonderful.” I exaggerated and lied. It hurts for a while. I’ve only had it for 2 months now, it doesn’t hurt anymore. “So matching tattoos tomorrow and you’re get a belly piercing!” I said happily. Our food came and that’s when I had to go to the bathroom. “I have to go to the bathroom.” I said. Marissa got out of the booth and I slid out quickly. I pulled off my jacket and left it in the booth. I walked into the women’s bathroom and used the bathroom. When I walked out the stall a girl was looking closely into the mirror. I took the one far away from her, not to be rude. I just didn’t know her and it’d be weird to stand at the one next to her if there’s 5 others. I washed my hands and saw her look at me from the corner of my eye.

“Reagan?” she said. My eyes widened and I scooted away. She ran up to me and literally talked me to the ground. “REAGAN OH MY GOD IS IT YOU!” she screamed in my face. I took a good look at her.

“Eleanor?” I asked.

“YES! Oh my god, everyone will be so happy to see you, come on!” she said. She picked me up off the ground and dragged me out of the bathroom before I could dry my hands.

“Uhm…I was actau-“

“GUYS! GUESS WHO IT IS!” Eleanor pulled me past my table, holding my arm. They stared at me as I was dragged past and waved. I glared at them, thinking about swearing at them when we get home. They’re just letting me get dragged off. She spun me around to the big group.

“REAGAN?” they all said.

“Is that a tattoo?” she asked, running her finger over my tattoo.

“Uh, yeah.” I said backing away. The boys stood up and I pushed my hair back.

“You’ve been gone for so long, I thought you died or something. Gosh girl, you look so different. Did you move out here?” she asked. I kept my eyes from Zayn, or anyone else. I stared at the ground.

“Yes, I did move in with some roommates. And I actually have to go eat my food before it gets cold.” I was about to turn around but she held on to me tighter.

“Wait, how about we just move you over here with us?” she asked. “I’m sure you’re supposed to be celebrating with us here.” She said nodding.

“Celebrating what?” I asked.

“Well Zayn and Perrie’s marriage of course. We haven’t had a chance to get a lot of people, but you’re a big part in all our life’s you should be here. Come on.” She tugged me.

“Well we’ve already got out food and-“

“The waitresses can move all your food to add to our table. Don’t worry, come on.” Liam said. “Go ahead and invite them.” He said happily. I turned around smiling as hard as I can. When inside I was dashing away through the wind getting away from them. That’s exactly what I wanted to do, because I did not want to remember my past. Mostly because I didn’t even let my roommates know or anything. I walked to my table and turned around. Eleanor nodded happily.

“Uhm, my old friends wanted to invite you to eat with them for celebration.” I waved my fingers around. “Don’t say anything, just go along.” I pleaded, sliding on my jacket. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail as they got up. Waitresses came, taking our plates while more added another table. I was forced to sit down right next to Zayn, unfortunately but fortunately because I didn’t have to stare at him.

“Some of them you haven’t met.” Eleanor said.

“This is Perrie’s band Little Mix, Jade, Jessie, Leigh-Anne, and you know the bride Perrie. Zayn’s mom, Perrie’s mom, and Simon Cowell maker of One Direction.” I waved at them. “Guys this is our good friend Reagan.”

“Uhm, this is Zach.” I pointed to Zach, who was sitting next to me thankfully. “Xavier, and Marissa.” I said. “My roommates.”

“Aah.” Everyone said.

“Nice to meet you all.” I tried to sound supper happy to see everyone. Although I was the complete opposite. 

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