A breath of relief escaped my lips. Peeking my head out, I was even more relieved to find the hall as isolated as before.

I exited the room, my eyes moving everywhere as I limped my way to the stairs, glad to hear no sounds. The possibility that I was able to escape came rushing through me. I walked down the stairs as fast as my damaged ankle allowed me to, even beyond that.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I didn't think twice about going straight to the door. I just did,  putting all the pressure possible in my ankle to be able to run faster. It hurt. Atrociously so. But I didn't care. I had to get out of here. A smoldering thrill went through me as I tried the handle as soon as I reached the door. My hands were shaking and slippery with sweat. I had just realized my face was stained with tears when more tears wanted to come down.

The door was locked.

I yanked it, again and again, hysteria eating at my body. A frustrated scream left my lips as I kicked and yanked at the door over and over, my ankle feeling like it was on fire. Again and desperately, I tried the handle over and over and over. But the door would not open.

Hands gripped my arms from behind me. "Stop." The voice was vaguely familiar. "You're hurting yourself."

But I didn't want to stop. I wanted to get out of here.  The realization that I was abducted drove me crazy.

I tried to shake his arms off but failed. He lifted me up with ease and dragged me away from the door. I screamed and thrashed like a madwoman.

He threw me on a couch this time and I didn't have time to get up and run because he was already hovering over me, pinning my arms back. His face inches away from mine.

"Calm down." He threatened in a deep voice, looking into my eyes.

Icy blue. Those where the color of his eyes. Unwavering. Cold. Slightly amused. His jaw was set and I could see a small scar on his cheek. His dark hair touched my forehead and his steady breaths fanned my face.

My following scream died down in my throat as I stared wide-eyed at him, my heart hammering in my chest as my breath came out hard and quick.

"Let me go." I breathed after it felt like forever, glaring at him.

I thought about biting his nose.

"She really is loud," A voice said with laughter stumbling out of their lips. "And fiery."

My head snapped toward the voice and I saw an older man coming into view. I frowned. He was probably in his fifties or so. With unmistakable blue hair, which was graying slightly.

When I didn't say anything, his brown eyes went to the man hovering over me. My head snapped back to look at the blue-eyed man and I twisted my wrists fiercely, struggling away from his grip. I looked at him with hate. "Let me go."

"Don't run." His voice was dangerous. Threatening. He didn't even seem to acknowledge the older man several feet away, now silently watching everything.

I shrank back involuntarily. "I won't,"

He looked at me for a moment, but then let go of my wrists and leaned back. I felt like I could breathe again. My body felt heavy as I scrambled on the couch into a sitting position.

The blue-eyed man stood by the wall, several feet away from me, running his hand through his dark hair in what looked like annoyance. I couldn't help but notice how pale he was, his features all too frighteningly beautiful. Yet he didn't look older than eighteen. His long sleeve shirt covered the tattoos that I had seen earlier, and for some reason, I wanted to see them again.

The old man had disappeared.

This angered me enough to yell, "Why am I here?" Momentarily forgetting my ankle, I stood up sharply, only to throw my head back and cry out in unbearable pain. My body plunged back onto the couch and I bit back tears. But it was impossible.

The man was by my side in a second.

I looked at him in confusion through the tears that blurred my vision, wondering why he suddenly looked concerned as I clutched my leg.

He tried to take hold of my arms but I shrank back.

"I just want to take a look." he said genuinely.

Desperate for the pain to go away, I peeled my arms from around my leg and let his hands take hold of it. I blinked and a set of tears streamed down my face.

He looked carefully at my ankle, which had now worsened horribly.

"It might be broken..." He said slowly.

"What happened?" I didn't remember getting hurt. But then again, I didn't remember a lot of things.

His eyes flickered back to mine.  "You twisted your ankle earlier getting out of bed."

I glared at him, ignoring the burning in my ankle. "Take me to the hospital."

"No." He countered and stood up, letting go of my leg. My wide eyes followed his movements.  "I can't take you to the hospital, it would draw too much attention,"

I drew my legs close to me as I shook violently. "What do you want?" My voice wavered. I didn't understand why I was being held hostage here. "What can you possibly want from me?" As far as I knew, I had no purpose of being here. My parents were good people. I was a decent student. Sure I was told my name suited me well, for my "untameable behavior", as my parents liked to say, but  I never got into such mess as this.

He looked at me with a glint in his eyes. "I don't want anything. Your existence alone is more than enough."

I frowned, wanting to grab something heavy and throw it at him, instead my eyes found the door and pondered on the possibility of never going home with an aching heart. I said. "Who are you?"

But he didn't answer, for the old man came back into the living room, this time with an ice pack in hand. He gave it to the guy standing by the wall and he took it, approaching me.

I hesitated, anger and confusion poking my insides. My eyes flickered to the older man and then back to the blue-eyed man.  "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Because, my dearest Raven," he began, his voice smooth and lethal, as he took my leg in his warm hands and propped it on his lap. My eyes were immediately drawn to him at the mention of my name. His eyes met mine. A fire in his blue eyes came conscious and wild. "You're in far more trouble than you think you're in."

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