Never Leaving U Again

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"F-fany ah..." Taeyeon stared at the girl in disbelief as she dropped to her knees. Tiffany looked at her and tilted her head. Taeyeon slowly lifted her hand and caressed Tiffany's cheek. Like a switch , Tiffany felt electricity through the touch. "Taetae..." Tiffany's eyes widen when she finally recognize that brown orbs she last seen 23 years ago.

Taeyeon nodded and burst into tears. Tiffany pulled her up and catch Taeyeon in her embrace and cried together. "Where have u been Fany ah~?" Taeyeon asked in the most soothing voice ever after regaining her composure. "I came back to search for u Tae." Tiffany cried harder remembering what just happened to her just now when she wanted to search for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon , who's smart enough to know that she wasn't the only reason that Tiffany is crying for , hugged Tiffany tighter and let the latter rest her head on her chest. Taeyeon swiftly changed their position and they both lay down on the bed together. "Fany ah~ it's okay~ I'm here~" Taeyeon rubbed Tiffany's back.

"I won't let anything happen to u." Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's forehead. Taeyeon looked down and saw the marks that the guy made on her neck and her jaw that looked like she had been slapped. Taeyeon unconsciously clenched her fist and frowned.  "If only I was there at the pub a little bit longer , this won't happen to her." Taeyeon thought.

Taeyeon realized that Tiffany had quiet down a little and the next minute Tiffany was in deep slumber in her embrace. Taeyeon quietly got up and prepared a towel with a bucket of warm water. She wiped all the marks softly , making all his dirt wash away and moved up to clean her face that was full of sweat and tears.

Taeyeon put away the bucket and lay down beside Tiffany again. Tiffany found the warmth again and snuggled closer to Taeyeon. Taeyeon smiled and kissed Tiffany's temple softly. Not that long of staring at Tiffany , Taeyeon fell asleep too.

-Next Morning-

Tiffany stretched and yawn as she woke up on a unfamiliar but comfortable bed. She tensed a bit but after remembering that this was Taeyeon's room , she relaxed a little. She stood up to find Taeyeon but a note and set of clothing with a towel stopped her.

'Good morning~~

Fany ah~ Slept well ? This are my clothes and a towel. Take a nice shower and use them okay ? See u at the kitchen !

xoxo TaeTae'

Tiffany giggled at the dorky letter and took the clothes with the towel to the bathroom. After cleaning up , Tiffany went out of the room only to be welcomed with the smell of her favourite breakfast , American breakfast.

"TAETAE!!!" Tiffany ran to the kitchen like a kid. Taeyeon who got shocked by the loud voice accidentally drop the juice bottle that she's holding. Luckily it was closed. The next thing she know , she was engulfed in a tight hug by her long lost best friend. "Yah Fany ah~ can't breathe~~" Taeyeon managed to say in English. "Whoops sorry haha I'm just so happy that I found u." Tiffany gave her eye smile that Taeyeon misses a lot.

Taeyeon smiled , showing her chin dimple and gestured Tiffany to seat opposite of her. "Fany ah you're okay with Korean right ?" Taeyeon asked with her clear pronunciation. Tiffany giggled and nodded. Taeyeon suddenly pinch both of her cheeks. "Yah !" Tiffany pouted. "Why did u laugh ??" Taeyeon gave her a playful smirk. "It was n-nothing ! I-i thought your English was cute ! that's all !" Tiffany said quickly that make Taeyeon barely understand but she match it up anyway.

Taeyeon let go of Tiffany's cheek and grin. "I'm always cute~" Taeyeon flip her long blonde hair. Tiffany rolled her eyes playfully and start to eat. Both of them chat as if 'end' didn't exist. But who could blame them ? It's been 23 years. "Fany ah how do u know that u could find me in the pub ?" Taeyeon asked curiously but carefully , not wanting to remind Tiffany the incident.

"The pub clearly said 'Kim Hyoyeon's and I remembered that Hyo was your twin so I went to check it out." Tiffany answered. Taeyeon nodded and smiled before taking Tiffany's plate. "Oi what are u doing ?" Tiffany stood up beside Taeyeon who was already at the sink.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. "Washing the plate ?" Taeyeon said in the 'duh' voice. "I can wash it myself TaeTae~" Tiffany frowned. "It's okay , I'll wash it for u." "But u prepared breakfast for me already !" Tiffany pout and crossed her arm. Taeyeon shook her head and kissed Tiffany's cheek.

"U don't go around and steal kisses from people !" Tiffany stomped her feet on the ground repeatedly. Taeyeon lifted Tiffany up in her arms , making the latter shriek. "Tiff I have neighbors downstairs ! Don't disturb them~" Taeyeon said before Tiffany start sulk again. "Kid~" Taeyeon grinned and teased Tiffany again.

"Says the one who look like a 10 year old~" Tiffany retorted. Taeyeon shook her head and brought Tiffany down. "But I have the strength of a 27 year old man." Taeyeon stick out her tongue. "So true. Tae since u want to do this dish , I'll watch the tv okay ?" Tiffany admit defeat.

Taeyeon nodded and smiled at her before washing the plates and things that were used. Tiffany peck her best friend cheek and ran to the living room. "U don't go around and steal kisses from people !" Taeyeon imitate Tiffany. "Shut up !" Tiffany laughed.

Tiffany pov

Why do I feel so different since yesterday ? I'm happy that I met Tae but this happiness is something else. Why do I feel so tingly when her skin touch mine ? Why do I feel my cheeks burning when she kiss me ? Ugh Fany think straight ! What will Taeyeon think u are if she knew that u r following the American culture in Korea.

You're straight Tiffany !

But Not For Her



WOOHOO TIFFAY HAS FEELINGS FOR HER SHORT BEST FRIEND ! hahaha I shouldn't use the word short XD

this book gonna be a long one hais

There's so many couple to write hahaha

thankiew for reading guys ! saranghaeyo🙆

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