**3 Weeks Later**

I wake up to the cry of Jasey. I roll out of the bunk and walk to the back lounge. I scoop little Jasey up into my arms. It was 3 am, and I was tired, but I liked getting up at odd hours of the night to take care of my daughter. She needed her diaper changed, so I pull out her changing pad, and lay her down on the floor. I change her diaper and scoop her up. I pat he until she falls asleep.

I end up falling asleep sitting up with her on my chest. Rian taps me on my knee to wake me up. It was the last night on tour, and I really haven't slept all that much. I wanted to get up every night to take care of her. Sky made me sleep on our off day, but I couldn't sleep. I stayed up worrying about if Jasey was okay. I know that I should let it go, but I don't want to put a bad impression on my daughter in the first few weeks of her life.

“Bro, you look like hell. You need rest.” Rian says scooping up Jasey carefully off of my chest. She snuggles close to him and stays asleep. I look up at Rian and say, “I just need a good shower.” “Well, we are at the venue. You can shower there.” I smile and pat him on the back. “Take care of her while I shower?” He smiles and nods his head. I run to my suitcase, grab my half sleeve shirt, my american flag skinny jeans and my boots. I take my toothbrush, tooth paste, brush, and all of my hair necessities and go inside the venue. I walk backstage and get in the shower.

When I get out, I get dressed and do my hair. I want to look good for Sky instead of my usual shitty looking self because of my sleep deprivation. I brush my teeth and take all of my stuff back out to the bus. I see a few fans, but luckily, they didn't see me. I jump on the bus and put my stuff up. When I get on, I hear from the back lounge, “Alex! They're brown!!! She has brown eyes!” I run to the back lounge and look at Jasey. She has chocolate brown eyes, just like me. I notice how she has matching chestnut brown hair. I can't believe it. My daughter is taking after me. I take Jasey from Sky and sit down with her.

“Take a picture of us. I want to post it to Twitter.” I hand Sky my phone. She snaps a picture of Jasey and I. I take the phone and send the picture to Twitter with a caption of,

My daughter looks so much like me. Chestnut brown hair and Cocoa brown eyes. I'm so proud. #HappyDaddy

I get responses from everyone. Zack takes Jasey and rocks her. She looks so tiny in his massive arms! I look through the responses.

@AlexAllTimeLow She's so cute! What's her name?

@AlexAllTimeLow Little baby Gaskarth!!!

@AlexAllTimeLow WHAT'S HER NAME?????

@AlexAllTimeLow She's so adorable! #LikeFatherLikeDaughter

I tweet out,

The little bundle of joy's name is little miss Jasey Rae. Like the song. Now If you'll excuse me, I have daddy stuff to do! #ImmaDad


I run out onstage after kissing little Jasey on the forehead and kissing Sky on the lips. We play through our first few songs, then we stop and put up our guitars for a few minutes. I stand infront of my mic and speak to the crowd.

“Alright everyone. Everyone by now knows that I have a daughter. I want to bring her out onstage, but I need everyone to be VERY quiet. I'm going to turn down the speakers so she doesn't get scared and cry. Can you all keep it down?” The crowd hollers numerous yes's and I walk backstage. I take little Jasey from Sky and wrap her up in her blanket. I kiss her forehead and whisper to her, “Welcome to the life baby.” I walk out onstage and Rian, Zack and Jack all shush the crowd. I hear numerous smaller chatters and awws and coos from the crowd. I holler out, since it was so quiet, and say, “Can you all in the back hear me?” They all put up their thumbs. I continue to say, “Good. Everyone, this is Jasey Rae Gaskarth, Born March 13, 2007. She's my pride and joy.” I shake her and put my finger inbetween her hands. She grips them. I see her smile.I take her backstage and hand her back off to Sky. That went better than I thought.

We play through the rest of the setlist. When we played Break Out! Break Out!, I blacked out. I don't know what it was. I went from my power stance to the ground, just like THAT. I went backstage, got some water, and ran back out on stage. Jack looked at me and mouthed, You okay? I nod my head and take hold of the mic stand. Matt brings me my guitar and I put it on. I speak into the mic. “Sorry about that guys. I blacked out back there. But it's all good. It's good. I'm back and better.” We finish our set and walk back to the bus. I see a sign on the door that says, 'Keep it down. Baby's asleep. Wake her and I'll wake you... Love: Sky.' I take off the note and show the guys. We walk inside and go automatically to bed. We begin our travel from NYC to Baltimore. Finally. Home. Where I can raise my daughter PROPERLY.

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