Together Forever

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July 25, Monday

Weathers and seasons as well as the Year changed as months passed by. Summer is now the season that the country is having. It is also called the season of fireworks. Even though it's already ending, the heat that the sun gives off never wavered and blue skies have become an everyday to the people living in the city.

It was seven in the morning when the blue alarm clock rang. And as always, Lucy wakes up with a groan and drowsily turns it off. This became an endless cycle to her. Even though it's the first day of her summer vacation, she did not feel the delight to celebrate it, not when her subject teachers piled them a lot of homework.

Sighing, she got up and went to the bathroom. Her friends are coming over her place to do their homework together. After all, two heads are better than one, or should I say seven? Another sigh escaped her lips when she sank herself in the slightly warm bath. Later, day will be hot and humid that she would sweat like a pig if she ever stays outside in just less than minutes. Good thing she have air conditioners installed in her house, but those are only located in the bedrooms.

"I wonder what I should do this vacation.." she thought aloud, her voice muffled when she turned on the shower at the same time. She always spend her vacation studying and rarely goes out of her house. She also go to the malls or have a little adventure by going to different cities, though, she mostly spends her time either in her room or in her mini library. Sometimes when she needs money, she will find herself a part time job.

Her parents died when she was young and the money she spends comes from her monthly stipend she receives from her school and other scholarship programs she applied. Her grandfather, whom she only meets on either her birthday, her parents' death anniversary or in holiday seasons, sends her monthly school allowance and food money. He's the one who took care of her and became her second parent, though he left her when she first stepped in high school and went overseas. But she doesn't seem to mind it.

Lucy went out of the bathroom, already wearing her baby blue tank top which pairs with her favorite dark blue skirt. Her wet hair tied in a messy bun. She chose to leave her hair wet than use the hair dryer which will only make her sweat due to the hot wind it produces. After fixing her bed and cleaning her room, she went downstairs to make her breakfast and to make snacks for her incoming visitors.

She only had a peanut butter with strawberry jam sandwich and a cup of milk as her breakfast, but enough to fill her empty stomach. She was measuring the ingredients for the strawberry shortcake she is going to bake when the doorbell rang. A smile creeping in her lips as she made her way to the door. Opening it, her smile widening to see her two closest friends.

"Levy-chan!" she said, her smile never leaving her lips as she gave her best friend a hug for greetings. "Uh Lu-chan, can you let us enter first? It's freaking hot outside" Levy said, tugging her orange summer dress for air. Lucy nodded and let her friends inside. "I never thought you would appear this time, Jellal" she smirked as she elbowed the blue haired guy's side.

Jellal, wearing a dark green shirt and black trousers, squirmed in response for the blonde elbowed his ticklish spot, which Lucy was fully aware of. His eyes narrowing in annoyance at her. "You do know how much I hate you do that" he said, tickling his best friend back for revenge. 

"I saw him in the public library" Levy spoke, turning on the fan and facing it. "And she pulled me along with her" Jellal said, removing his backpack and sitting on the couch while Levy grinned in response. Lucy just smiled and patted him on the back, "Don't worry Jellal. Erza will also attend this group homework". The two girls smirked upon seeing him blush and laughed at the poor guy.

"I never thought that you're such a horror freak" said Levy, reading the title of the books that the guy borrowed from the library. Jellal snatched the books from the bluenette and immediately put them back in his bag. "Please stop touching my things" he said while Levy just grinned at him. "What are those books about, Levy-chan?" Lucy asked. "Just some tales about demons and other demonic creatures".

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