"Hey babe." The other twin said, finally reaching the table across from me. Another thing Mya wouldn't have done. She would have attacked me with her lips, not sit down. I gave her a fake smile. I wonder how long she's going to keep this up.

"Hey. You know I was getting worried for a second. I actually thought you ran away with my money." I said with a chuckle.

"Ha ha. That's funny. Like I would ever do such a thing." She said nervously. I couldn't help but to be amused at her behavior. She actually thought she could pass for her sister? What was she thinking? Wasn't she the smart twin? I never really paid attention to her before, but right about now she got my undivided attention.

"You right because you out of all people should know I won't hesitate to kill anybody that fucks me or my money over, right?" I ask and I wasn't kidding. Let me find out both of them is trying to fuck me over and it's a wrap.

"Right." She said in as shaky voice. Good at least she's scared of me. Bad actress I tell you, but if I remember correctly Mya hates her sister and its vice versa, so why would they work together? What is her motive? Maybe I could use her. I'm going to go along with this and see where it gets me. I only got a few weeks in here anyway. They can't keep me long, they just got lucky and got me for drug possession. Thank God for people like Chyna, but me in here is not making the money come. My homies are lost without me. I took one more look at Mia and I pray what I'm about to do is not going to back fire. I'm going to test exactly how smart she is. Afterward I'm going to have somebody check up on the real Mya and see what she's up too. I gave the so called Mya instructions to go see my right hand Ant and from there, he'll tell her what to do.

"Are you sure you'll do exactly whatever your told to do?" I ask her.


"Okay." I said shaking my head.

"Time's up." The police officer said coming from no where. Mia got up with a quickness. Before she got far, I grabbed her hand and turned her back around. I leaned in and pecked her lips just to see her reaction. She started to smile. Mya don't smile, well unless she's shopping but other then that she's smirking. Mia had a nice sincere smile on as if that kiss meant everything to her. She's really confusing, why is she helping me? I need some answers. Next day, I used my phone call to call Ant.

"Yoo nigga."

"Sup. How you holding up?" Ant ask.

"Man same old shit." I answered. This wasn't my first time in this shit.

"Did you do what I asked you to do?"

"You mean Mya? Man that hoe creep as fuck. I saw her riding around in a new Benz bruh. I saw her at the club just last night buying bottles after bottles. Kid she brought the whole club bottles. You know, I didn't want to do nothing until you tell me what to do." I was raging mad. I clenched my fist together and punched the wall. Fuck I thought. I look around, the cop was too busy on the phone.

"Look tomorrow Mya's twin is coming but she's going to be acting like Mya. Don't treat her no differently then you would treat Mya. Trust me, you'd would know it's not her the moment you see her. Put her in charge of the corn and peas." I said talking in code. You never know who could be listening.

"So you telling me to trust a girl I hardly know and on top of that to put her in charge of the fucking corn and peas bruh?" Ant said talking back in code.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you to do." I have a gut feeling about her. It's telling me to trust her and that she's not like her gold digging sister.

"What about the real Mya?"

"Leave her to me." I dropped the phone and turned to the cop.

"I need bandages." I had hurt my knuckles with that punch to the wall, but it felt good knowing I was picturing Mya face while doing it.

What did I see in her? I almost thought about wifing that bitch. I can't wait till I get out of here.



The money was gone. All the money I left back at Dre's house was all gone. My heart started to beat badly. The only person to know about this secret place is Dre. That must mean he's out of jail. It have to.


I didn't expect him to get out that quick. What am I going to do? I got up from my place on the floor, brushed myself off and made my way back outside. What's the worst Dre can do to me? He probably not even out. If he would he would have contact me by now. I got in my new whip courtesy of Dre's bail money and zoomed out the drive way. I only had a couple thousands left. Maybe I should have did what Dre told me told do. Now I'm going to have to lay low for a while.


don't forget to C O M M E N T / V O T E
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