34: New Owner

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"Did you decide on a name?" Chase asked, holding the baby in his hands, Maddie sitting on the other couch, munching on an apple and looking at Esmeralda.

"Annabelle Rose Collins." Esmeralda answered, smiling at the cooing baby and Chase poked her nose, the baby blinking and staring up at him.

"So, any wedding plans yet?" Ryland asked.

"Oh yeah."


Maddie and Chase looked at each other, both answering at the same time. "What do you mean 'no'?" Chase asked.

"I mean we haven't spoken about it so for now there are no plans." Maddie answered and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean, you're right, but we have to start thinking. Like, are we going to have a church wedding, or where the reception is going to be or if we'll be living at my house or if we're moving out."

Maddie stared at Chase like he grew another head. She shook her head, knowing that if she threw him her apple, she could miss and would hit the baby. "No, that's way too soon." She shook her head, looking away from him and focusing back to her apple.

"Too soon?" Chase asked.

"Yes too soon. As it, we just announced not even 24 hours ago to your parents that we're going to get married, your mother still hates me and my brother doesn't know whether to be happy about me or kill you."

Chase thought about it before sighing and shaking his head, not wanting to argue with her in Ryland and Esmeralda's home.

The four talked, taking turns holding the baby before Esmeralda excused herself to feed her and Chase walked out to take a call.

"So, boss, how's the engagement life?" Ryland asked, making sure to emphasize on the word 'boss'. Maddie turned to him, giving him and eye roll before sighing.

"I feel like at any moment, I'm going to lose my mind with this man. He's such a workaholic." Maddie sighed.

"But I mean, he owns a large business, it is part of his job."

Chase hung up, thinking it was time to head back to his house to continue working on the contract he had with one of his banks. He stepped in, heading past the kitchen and to the living room only to hear Ryland and Maddie talking.

"Take last night for example. We both are finally together, you know? No more people to separate us anymore or trying to get us to hate each other. Clearly, with us being together in peace, anyone would assume that you would want to spend time with each other right? But this kid goes straight to work. He grabs my hand, pulls me to his room, sits me on his bed goes to his desk to work. All he says is that he knows it's late and I would want to sleep."

Ryland chuckled and rested his elbows on his knees. "Who can blame him? But you two are good for each other. I guess you guys are like those couples that are total opposites."

Maddie was quiet, thinking about what Ryland had said before she shrugged one shoulder. "I guess..."

Chase was leaning on the wall, a few feet from the living room before he stood up and fixed his shirt, walking into the living room and looking at Ryland. "I'll be leaving; I have to work on this contract with one of the banks." Ryland and Chase said their goodbyes, Chase calling out a soft goodbye from the other side of the door, Esmeralda quietly saying goodbye as she held the sleeping baby. Maddie did the same, saying goodbye to her two friends and following Chase out the house and into his car.

"I'm going to call my lawyer, he will reverse the papers and the company will be back in my hands."

"What if I wanted to keep it?"

The CEO and the Punk [Under High Editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang