32: A Small Addition

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"Mr. Simmons, Mr. Tanner has arrived."

"Thank you Melissa." Chase stood up, fixing his suit and walking out to the front desk to see James Tanner standing with his briefcase in his hand. Chase saw the temporary receptionist eye him and Chase cleared his throat.

"Thank you for coming in, Mr. Tanner." Chase smiled, seeing Ryland walking toward him on the phone.

"Excuse me, Esmeralda has contractions and I need to rush home, do you mind?" Chase sighed before shaking his head.

"No, you can go on ahead, just let me know how she's doing." Ryland nodded and thanked Chase as he walked to the elevators. "Now, shall we head to the conference room?" Chase asked and James nodded, following him down the hall to the tall glass double doors and the two sat down at the ends of the table.

"This isn't any of my business, seeing as I'm not your lawyer, but doesn't the man that you let leave have work?" James asked.

"He does, but apart from being my best friend, he's a hard working man and his wife is also hard working. I have a strong relationship with my workers because if they feel comfortable with me, they'll be more effective during work." Chase explained. James was quiet, nodding before setting his briefcase on the glass table and opened it.

"Now, let's begin. What exactly do you want?"


Maddie rested at home, sitting on the couch, her laptop on her lap, fixing her school schedule to be able to retake all her classes next semester. She sighed heavily, hoping to finally be able to graduate but it would have to wait.

She opened iTunes, scrolling down to pick a song and clicked the shuffle button. She listened to the music, closing her eyes and leaning back only to hear her phone go off. She sighed heavily, picking it up and answering.

"You busy?"

"No, why?" Maddie answered Ryland.

"Esmeralda is freaking out about some contractions which, according to the doctor, are only kicks from the baby." Ryland explained.

"I'm home with Josh, why don't you guys come over?"

"We'll be there soon."

Maddie hung up, closing her eyes again and listening to the music. She opened her eyes, hearing people talk and she turned to the dining room where Josh, Esmeralda and Ryland were talking. She looked back at her laptop, seeing the playlist she began listening to had finished. She shut her laptop, setting it next to her before joining the group.

"Good morning." Ryland smiled as she sat next to Josh.

"How long was I out?" Maddie asked.

"A couple hours; nothing out of the ordinary." Josh shrugged.

"It's okay; you need the rest from the whole hospital thing." Esmeralda smiled.

The four talked, Esmeralda and Ryland talking about the false alarms they have been having and Josh explaining how it could mean that she would be ready. The four stopped talking when a knock was heard on the door, Maddie looking at Josh before he shrugged.

Josh stood up, walking to the front door and opening it only to take a step back and stay stunned.

"Oh, I get to kill two birds with one stone!"

Olivia grinned at the three who sat and took out another white envelope from her purse. Maddie stood up as Olivia let both envelopes fall on the table and smile. "Chase has been coming over and helping with the wedding arrangements and we decided to start giving out the invitations, just to make sure no one has plans that day."

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