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"Come on Liam," Niall begged his friend, pulling on his hand, trying to drag the lad towards the house with the music blaring. He wasn't getting very far, Liam being much stronger than him.

"Why? This is so stupid," Liam replied, looking around the neighborhood, thinking of all of the terrible ways the night could go if they were to go inside.

"Because it's our last chance to go to a party before we graduate," Niall responded, pleading the boy with his eyes, "Don't you want to be able to say that we at least went to one party during high school?"

Liam rolled his eyes and responded, "Niall, I really don't care that much."

"Then come on if you don't care. Live a little Li."

"That's not what I meant–"

"Well I'm going. You don't want me to go alone do you?" Niall asked him, taking a step closer to the house.

Liam huffed but reluctantly started to follow his friend up to the house. "Fine. But at the first sign of trouble, we're leaving."


The pair walked up the steps leading up to the massive house, music getting louder and louder as they neared. Niall reached his hand up to grab the knob but the door swung open and two very drunk girls stumbled out of the house, nearly falling down the stone steps.

Niall and Liam shared a look before Niall shrugged and led the way into the party.

The house was hot and stuffy, filled to the brim with teenagers, all various levels of drunk. The music was so loud that Niall could barely hear his friend, but by the looks of the scowl on his friends face, he knew it wasn't something he wanted to hear anyways.

Niall mimed a drinking motion over to Liam who just shrugged. He did not want to be here one bit. He would much rather be at home playing Fifa with Niall, like they always did. He reluctantly followed his blond friend into the kitchen, dodging drunk classmates, who's names he could barely remember.

Upon entering the kitchen, the two lads saw what seemed like an endless amount of alcohol. There was a keg surrounded by people cheering someone on to drink as much as they could while being held upside down.

The person choked on the beer and spit the nozzle out of his mouth, coughing. The two boys that were holding his feet gently let him down and patted him on the back, cheering along with everyone else.

"That's the longest I've ever seen someone do that for," a girl yelled, making the brown haired boy grin.

He looked around, taking in the audience proudly. It took him a moment to recognize Niall and Liam, the alcohol making his sight bleary, but his smile got even bigger when he noticed them, sauntering over to the pair.

"Hey lads," Louis slurred, slinging an arm around either boy, "How's it going?"

Niall and Liam knew Louis from being on the same football team at school. They greeted the boy, holding him up as he stumbled. They both gave their hellos, but Louis didn't seem too interested.

"Look at that bird over there," Louis said, nodding over to a girl on the opposite side of the kitchen. Liam and Niall looked over at the girl. She was cute, long brown hair drawn into a ponytail, showing off her perfectly tan skin.

Liam hummed in agreement while Niall stayed quiet.

"I think I'm gonna–" Louis started but stopped as who must've been the girls boyfriend walked over to her and handed her a drink, giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Oh bollocks," Louis mumbled, glaring at the lad. He forgot about them almost as quickly as he noticed, "Let's get fucked."

"I don't know mate," Liam said uneasily, "Haven't you had enough?"

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