3. The Farm

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"Wake up!" I heard someone yell, shaking me. I rolled over but then felt myself being lifted from the bed. When I opened my eyes, Daryl was the one carrying me. He was running with me in his arms.

"What's going on?" I asked him frantically. Daryl put me down and caught his breath. I heard moaning coming from behind me. I pulled out my knife and stabbed it in the head.

"So what's going on?"

"The warehouse was overrun. I had to get you to safety." His face turned red from embarrassment.

"Thanks, but did the group make it out?" He nodded.

"We have to get away now." Daryl started running for his bike with me following me him. I slid on behind him and we sped off.


We pulled off to the side where the group was waiting. All of them made it except for Adam. Sadly, I wasn't greiving. Yeah, he was gone but so are the rest of my family. I slid off of Daryl's bike and walked over towards the group. Lori came and hugged me.

"I'm so glad that you're okay," she said happily. She broke away from me and headed back to her family. Daryl walked up beside me.

"I'm glad your alive, too," he said quietly.

"That's all thanks to you." I placed my hand on his shoulder then quickly put it down. We walked over to the campfire. Carol handed and Daryl and me a bowl of soup(I think) and sat back down. Once again, I could only finish half of it before I was full. I handed it to Daryl but he shook his head.

"You need to eat more," he said with concern in his voice.

"I can't eat anymore." I tried handed it to Daryl again but this time he took it. The rest of the group was looking at me worriedly. I walked away from campfire and crawled into the tent they had set up for me and Daryl. About three minutes later, Daryl crawled in after me. He laid down beside me, making sure we weren't touching.

"What's going on with you?" he asked me.

"Before you found me, I was living on berries and other wild plants. I'm just not used to eating that much food." He nodded and continued to lay beside me. Soon, I heard light snoring and I knew Daryl was asleep. I tried going to sleep but it was no use. I crawled out of the tent and hoisted myself on top of the R.V. where Dale was keeping watch. He saw me and gave a warm smile.

"What's on your mind?" he asked me as I sat beside him.

"I feel like the world is just going to shit. There's no hope in the world." He gave me a sympathetic look.

"There is always hope in the world, you just gotta find it. Without hope, we aren't human." I let his words sink in. We sat in silence for awhile until I felt tired enough to fall asleep. I climbed down the ladder and headed into the tent. Daryl was still asleep as I tried to.


***Sorry if this is boring and short but the next ones will be better hopefully since I have this story written up to chapter twelve. But the next setting will be the farm but it still doesn't follow the T.V. plot. Vote, comment, and fan:)

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