Chapter Twelve- Yah, she is isn't she?

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+-*hey peeps play Bless the Broken Road By Rascal Flatts when I say! It goes awesome with the chapter!!*-+

(Nate's POV)


I stayed awake after Jemma fell alseep and I stared at the ceiling.

"Hello sleeping beauty." Malcom wispered to me being careful not to wake Maggie sleeping on his chest, head rising and falling with the breaths he took. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm great. I see your good to." I said pionting at Maggie sleeping. His face went redand he grined widely. "I'm geussing I missed a lot?"

+-*A/N PLAY NOW*-+

He nodded his head still smiling. He looked down at her and stroked her hair. With a guy like this, I think she might stop cutting. I would love to see that. I cared to much for her. I loved her like a little sister. Danny used to be the same way, always looking out for her, always caring. I never stopped caring about her.

"So are you two a couple or what?" He nodded his head, again, still smiling. "Good. She need someone like you. But I swaer to god, if you break her heart I'll break your nose."

"Maggie's lucky to have you too Nate. I'm lucky to have her. I geuss we're all just lucky. She's so beautiful."

Maggie really is beautiful, perfect long brown, wavy hair, big brown eyes. I don't know where I would be without her. "She's beautiful, she's our blance, our glue, she's perfect."

"Yah perfect." He said with a laught and a smile. Nodding his head he said "Yah, she is isn't she?"

As if on que Maggie woke up. She looked around seeming confused before smiling as she looked up to find herself in Malcoms arms.

+-*A/N END SONG*-+

"Hello beuatiful" Malcom and I said at the exact same time. Maggie laughed.

"Hello lovers." She joked in a deep voice. She yawned "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get a watch!!" Jamie called from the end of the bed.

"Its 7. We sould probly pack up" Said Trav, who was now up streching around the room. Not that they'd brought anything with them. The nurse came in and said she ust haad to run a few more test to see if I was ready to discharge. 

"Jemmie. Wake up." Maggie shook he lightly.

"Wakey-Wakey Sleepy-Poo" Jamie said picking her up out of the chair and tossing her over his shoulder.

"Jamie! Put me down butt-much!" She slapped his butt, and kicked her leggs.

"Thank you nurse, for letting us stay here with our friend." Jamie bowed like there wasn't a teenage girl slung over his soulder kicking him in the chest.

"Yah... Sure..." She said, looking weirded out by my friends.

"We'll wait in the loby for you Cripple!" Malcom called as he walked out the door hand-in-hand with Maggie. 


I didn't end up going to school, so everybody eles was late for their classes. The day went by slowly, I mostly sat in my roomand watched old movies. I was bored out of my mind until I got two txts at 2:15

From Malcom:

Hey bro, when do you want us to come over? 

Oh ya, I'd almost forgotten Trav, Jamie, and Mac were coming over to get ready for the dance.

At our school Home Coming was a really big deal. Like bigger than prom. Everyone wore tux's and party dresses. The punch was almost always spiked. It got even crazier if the football team won the game (witch they almost always did).

Nows good.

The second message was from Jemma.

Hey Babe how are you feeling?

I replied:

I'm good Jemmie see you at the dance love ;)

I heard Malcom and the guys walk into the house without knoking, like they did all the time. When they came in laughing each of them held a tux in one of those fancy bag things. 

"Hey man. Feeling better?" Asked Mac as I walked over to retrieve my tux in the fancy bag thing from my closet.

"Yah I'm good." I said, and that was pretty much all we said we had a while to wait the dance didn't start till 8.'

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Jamie sighed as he flopped down on my bed.

"We have way to much time to kill." Travis agreed flopping down equally dramic next to him.

"We could go pick up the girls and go out for pizza?" I asked looking to Malcom. We would have to take his SUV. Sounds good to me.




oooooooooooo Malcom! So sweet!

but wait for it! dramadramadrama 

Comin up!!!!!!!!!

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