Chapter Eight-Why My Magg Pie?

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(Danny's POV)


"I can't belive that skank actualy got a date to Home Coming. What a bitch." Clark said clearly angry at someone as I walked up. "Ow! Careful Karrie! Not to hard!"

"Dumb bitch." Said Karrie, still holding a melting ice-pack to Clarks right eye. In the last hour I'd lost my best friend and any hope of long nights, bonfires, and most of all, Maggie. Not that I wanted Maggie. Out with the old in with the new...

I hadn't seen much back there, Maggie left quickly, then Jemma punched Clark, and I don't know what came over me, but I had to hit someone. And.. Well.. Nate was right there. He now had two black eyes.

I felt like shit right now. I'm a total idiot. The look on Nate's face when I punched him the first time, was a look of confusion, like I'd turned on him, witch I geuss I had. Then I hit him again, before some tall jerk pulled me off of him. Malcom? was that his name? 

"Wait who got a date after all that?" I asked feeling gosipy.

"That whore Maggie." Karrie replied, her face looked twisted when she talked about her. "She's going with Malcom."

"That jerk who stopped you from beating Nate's face in." Clark said, as she failed an attempt to flip her hair.

"He's not a jerk, I think he's hot. Dumb bitch gets to go to Home Coming with him." Something twisted inside of me when Karrie called him hot. Ahg. She looked so beautiful. "I should have asked him, well, when I had the chance. What about you Clark? You got anyone on your mind?"

"Well, I had this one guy, but he has a date already." Rejected again. I decided to walk away before they got the chance to ask me.

I didn't know where I was walking to. I was out of friends, out of escapes. I picked up my pace. What had I done? Now I was almost jogging down the halls. It was my free period. I walked faster.

As I round a corner I ran into the worst posible group of people. I ran right into Maggie.

"Oh Shit. I'm so sorry." I said as Maggie and Malcom bent down to pick up her books. 

"Its gonna take a lot more than one sorry," Trav said stepping out in front of them protectivly. He glared up at me. You've got to be kidding right?

"Um... Sorry... For knocking your books down?" I said a little unsure of myself. Jamie walked up to stand beside Trav, him to shooting me a 'you should leave now' glare.

"What the hell are you doing here?"  Jemma said, showing up out of no where, her eyes ablaze.

"Jemma, please." Maggie stood, Malcom was now holding her books (were they a thing?), Maggie put her hand on Jemma arm to calm her.

"Nate's in the ER right now." Jemma pulled away from Maggie's hand, "All because of you and those sluts can't keep to your own bisness." Tears rolled down her face. "You knocked him out, and won't wake up yet!"

"Oh Jemmie," Trav's calming voice seemed to soothe her. He put his arm around her and walked her away, her sholders boncing up and down while she walked. Fuck. Maggie looked me in the eye. 

"Why?" She asked. Her eyes begain to water. "Why?"

"Magg Pie." I reached out to her but she pulled away, shaking her head.

"No. That was a long time ago. To long. Don't call me Magg Pie. Don't talk to me."

She turned away without a second glance. Malcom glared at my and shook his head. He to walked away down the hallway. I was so mad at myself. I'm so stupid. Without thinking I turned and punched the locker beside me.

Fuck it. who needs them. I don't. Stupid hipsters. I could have any girl. I don't need them. Any of them.

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