Chapter Seven-Malcom?

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(Maggie's POV)


I don't know why their words bothered me so much. They were right I would never be good enough for any guy, no matter what he looked like or how he acted. I'm just, to, me. I didn't know where I was going so I walked down the halls. Making left, after left. Trying to find something, But I didn't know what. 

I stopped, We had fourty-five minnutes of lunch left. I leaned up agenst a locker and slowly slid down, till my butt hit the floor. I don't know why I thought that when Danny called me beautiful, that I might have a chance with him.

I missed summers spent with him and Nate. Weekends drive to the beach house. Them being by my side like older brothers watching a baby sister, giving black eyes for my broken hearts, sure Nate was still here for me and he really tried to help, but it wasn't the same without Dan. And when he called me Magg Pie today in class, I was filled with so much hope.

Hope is for dreamers. Dreamers have dreams. Dreams never come true.

I was thankful i had music next. My escape, my life, my love, was told through music. 

I heard footsteps coming around the corner. I wiped tears that escaped my eyes away and pulled out my ipod to make it look like I wasn't just sitting here thinking witch is exactly what I was doing.

"Maggs?" Malcom ."Are you okay? Nate told me what happenned. If it helps Clark has a black eye now, and I bought you a hershy bar."

He sat down next to me, but Ijust stared at the rows of lockers right in front of me.

"You punched a girl?" I asked worried that this would be considered horboring a fugitive. 

"Fuck no. Jemma did, after you left, then Danny and Nate went at it. It was pretty fucking cray cray." two weeks detention for all three of them."

"I shouldn't be here. I just cause trouble where ever I go. What ever I do. I'll never be good enough for any guy, no one will ever like me because they think I'm shit crazy."

"Maggs?" He asked. Iooked him in the eye now.

"Yah Mac?"

"You wanna go to Home Coming with me?"

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