"Yeah. What are the chances we pick the exact same breakfast as the other?" Jamie replied.

"I don't know but I am going to eat my oatmeal before it gets cold. " Eddie said.

"Sounds good." Jamie replied.

Jamie brought his hands together and prayed for his food.

When he was done Eddie looked at him and said "What are you doing?"

"I'm praying. I'm Irish catholic. We pray before meals." Jamie replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Jamie and Eddie tucked into their oatmeal and had a bit more chatter during breakfast. When they finished breakfast they brought their trays back to the food line, before they made their way to the training room and got ready for the day.

When they arrived it was said they would start with a short session of yoga to get them flexible for the other exercises. Jamie and Eddie both grabbed a mat. Even though Jamie was the boxing instructor and would not teach until later in the day he was allowed to join in the yoga and other training if it would help him teach.

When the yoga was done Jamie had a big stretch and said "That was my first time trying yoga but it was so relaxing. I already love it." Jamie said.

"Yeah I have been loving yoga every morning." Eddie said.

"Well I got to go to my next lesson. See you at lunch Jamie" Eddie replied.

"Yeah. I'll be waiting and then we can eat together." Jamie said.

Eddie left to her next class and Jamie went to go observe some other teachers training.

When lunch time rolled around Eddie strolled into the dining hall with a messy wavy ponytail and a purple bruise on her wrist. She grabbed her lunch and sat across from Jamie at the same table they shared at breakfast.

"Hey Jamie. How was your morning?" Eddie asked.

Jamie eyed Eddie's wrist and replied "It was good but from the looks of your wrist I would venture to say yours wasn't."

"Well you would be right. Another one of the students injured me during some physical combat. He flipped me and yanked me by my wrist, bruising it." Eddie said hesitantly.

Jamie gently took Eddie's bruised wrist in his hand and examined it. He said "That's got to hurt." He then released her wrist.

"Remind me to keep an eye out for the rougher guys in my class so you don't get too hurt." Jamie replied tenderly with a smile.

Eddie's heart skipped a beat at his comment and she smiled back. Jamie prayed for his lunch and then they tucked into their salads and sandwiches. When they finished lunch they still had a half hour of free time before he had to teach.

"Ahh that hit the spot. And that dressing was so creamy on the Cesar salad." Jamie said.

"Oh don't I know it. I could have eaten seconds of that salad if they would have let me." Eddie replied.

Jamie laughed at her reply and realized that Eddie could give him a run for his money in the eating department.

"What's so funny?" Eddie asked suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"You are. And I bet you could give me a run for my money in the eating department. I like a girl with a big appetite." Jamie replied with a smile.

Eddie blushed a little and flirtatiously said "Well I'll remember that for later."

One of the other instructors announced that lunch time was over and classes would resume.

"I guess that means me as well. I'm teaching the rest of the afternoon." Jamie said.

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