Spirit Bear

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OMG guiz so today I was out in the woods trying to find my column hood but instead I found a bear


and he was like "sup guiz"

And den I slapped him and said "SHUT UP SPIRIT BITCH!"


And he try to kill me and I crei and say "nu sperut ber vatchu doin!"

And den he stared me in the eyes.

He stared real hard

He stared even harder then hard

Then he reached forward with his big bear hands and grabbed my hand.

I cried because this moment was beautiful.

He kiss me because beastiality

I confused

Then the sun came down on spirit bear and he slowly floated away into the sunlight.

But before he disappeared from sight

He softly whispered to me

He told me exactly what I needed to hear in that moment

And after I heard these few words I knew everything would be okay

As spirit bear ascended into the heavens he softly whispered to me.

"You are a little shitty titty."

I'll never forget my true love.

Spirit Bear

The End

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