Stiles stops for a moment, rolling his eyes and huffing before starting to walk again. "I hate you so much right now..." Stiles sighs, deciding to defend himself and Lydia from everything that Scott said. "One, I know her probably as well as I know you. Two, we've been inseparable because she couldn't stand being away from my charming personality, And three, we haven't had other relationships because we don't need to."

"You go and tell her about your 'charming personality'. I totally wanna hear what she has to say about that," Scott mocks. "And the making out part?"

"We're lonely sometimes, it's not a big deal," Stiles replies nonchalantly.

Scott's tone is as sarcastic as he can manage. "Lonely? In college? Really?" He chuckles. "And you and I didn't make out when we felt lonely," he states, trying to reason with his best friend.

"Not for lack of trying on my part, buddy," Stiles bites back.

Scott rolls his eyes. "You two don't just make out, Stiles. What about what happened three months ago?" And here's the thing. As far as Scott knows, what happened three months ago was an isolated episode. He was told that Stiles and Lydia got drunk and that Stiles was already in bed and ready for sleep when Lydia went to find him, that they made out, and that things might have gotten a little heated after that. "Friends don't give you a helping hand," Scott says pointedly, an eyebrow quirking at his implication as he tries desperately not to laugh.

Stiles blushes. "Well, she's a really good friend."

"Are you kidding me?" The Alpha blurts out in disbelief.

Stiles can only be grateful that he hasn't told Scott everything. Actually, he has told him pretty much nothing and it's far better this way. Scott already bugs him too much with the very, very little he knows. And the fact that Scott does know about it is a mistake; it had slipped out before Stiles could stop himself and he truly didn't want to tell anyone. He actually went almost the entirety of the last two years without doing so. And impressively at that, he should add; it's not like he didn't want to tell the world about it. But still, ever since Scott found out, Stiles calls him sometimes out of uncertainty but keeps him out of the loop mostly, just trying to seek some sort of reassurance.

As it's obvious by the current conversation, it rarely helps.

As far as the werewolf is aware, Lydia gave Stiles a handjob and that was it (aside from the occasional make out session between the human and the banshee that they had both agreed on telling Scott about to try and get him off their backs). But the truth is that not only that happened but more, so much more, and it all started way before Scott found out, happening far more frequently than the werewolf was ever told.


"We all have moments of weakness," Stiles excuses himself. "We're there for each other, so what?"

"Are you even listening to yourself? It's ridiculous, Stiles. You're the only ones who apparently don't know you're dating."

Scott doesn't understand. "We. Are. Not. Dating!" Stiles spurts out adamantly as he enters the restaurant, his tone a little louder than he intended making some heads turn around at his mild outburst. "Hang on a minute," he mutters to the phone. Greeting Tom - one of the restaurant employees who's also one of his classmates - and apologizing for his manners, Stiles places his order and goes sit on a stall waiting for the food to be ready. "We're not dating, Scott. She's my best friend," he mumbles in a hushed tone now.

"All the more reason. How many times are we going to have to tell you guys that? Seriously, dude. In case you haven't noticed, the only thing you need to be a married couple is to actually get married, okay?" Stiles rolls his eyes again. "You two kiss often, make out sometimes and I'm 100% sure that you haven't told me everything..." Stiles swallows dryly. "And you know what? If that means that you and Lydia are working your things out on your own, I'll forgive you if you'll never tell me anything about it again. But Stiles, you can't tell me there's nothing going on there. Everyone assumes you're dating, why do you think that is?"

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