Chapter 2

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Scott picks up at the fifth ring. "Hey man," he blurts out, panting a little.

Stiles, still on his way down his and Lydia's building, stops on his tracks at the Alpha's labored voice. "Scott?" He didn't sound panicked, Stiles notices. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" It wouldn't be the first time that Stiles' sense of opportunity failed him. "Because if I am, it's totally worth interrupting. Sorry buddy," he mocks.

"No, I just had to run outside," Scott explains. "One of Kira's aunts is really grabby, it was giving me the creeps. I'm so glad you called, Stiles. Perfect timing. I really had to get out of there," Scott sighs, genuinely relieved. "What's up?"

Stiles gets out of the building and starts walking until the end of the street. At the strained moment of silence, Scott can already imagine what's coming. "Scott, we might be crossing the line again."

The werewolf rolls his eyes; this conversation happens more often than not nowadays. Every time that Stiles thinks that he and Lydia might be going in a direction they shouldn't, going too far, he calls Scott for guidance. In all honesty, Stiles is not really sure why he even bothers to call his best friend; it's not like Scott gives great advice or anything. But there's also, of course, the fact that Scott is only in on like 3 to 5% of Stiles and Lydia's current situation, so it's not really his best friend's fault.

Scott knows it won't be long until Kira joins him outside too, certainly talking on the phone with the banshee like they always seem to do when these talks happen between himself and Stiles. "What is it this time?" He asks.

Stiles keeps walking. "Okay, so Lydia was invited to her first wedding – you owe me ten bucks, by the way – and Lydia might have told the bride, who's her cousin, that she was taking someone with her. You know, as a plus one."

Scott chuckles. "And that's you?"

"Apparently, but that's not the problem though. The thing is that Natalie told her niece that Lydia is not taking just someone but her boyfriend. As in me, Stiles," he lets out, his voice failing him a little in the end.

To Scott, Stiles actually does sound a little freaked out and if he's being honest, this tends to happen more times than Scott has the patience for. It's getting ridiculous. "And...?"

"Don't you 'and...?' me, Scott." Stiles frowns, making a turn and walking the rest of the distance to the Chinese restaurant in a slow pace. "This is serious!"

"And I am being serious!"

"Scott, Natalie keeps telling everyone that Lydia and I are dating and now she wants me to take her daughter to a wedding as her fake boyfriend," Stiles rambles, irritated.

"And what's the big deal about that, Stiles?" They have this argument all the time. Looking over his shoulder, Scott watches as Kira walks out of her aunt's house talking on the phone as well, probably engaged in a similar conversation with a certain redhead. They grin at each other. "Do we have to go through this again? Because the only two people who still think you two are not dating are you and Lydia," Scott states assertively.

Stiles groans. "How many times are we gonna have to tell you that we are not dating?" He asks exasperated, running his free hand through his hair and making it more of a mess than it usually is.

"You can keep saying it until I believe, Stiles. Are you seriously telling me that you two are just friends?"


Time to hit him with the facts then, Scott thinks. "You two make out all the time, neither of you have been in a relationship since you started living together, you've been inseparable ever since the whole ordeal with Malia, you even know her better than you know me by now... Do you want me to continue, Stiles? Because I can." Even if Stiles can't see him, Scott raises an eyebrow in challenge, slightly amused.

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