110 - Mush

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This one is for MadisonKempkes0! I hope you like it! Please vote and comment what ya think! Thank you all! Love you all!

3rd Person

"Hey," Madison greets her boyfriend, Mush, with a peck on the lips.

"Hey," he greets back with a smile.

"Can I talk to you about something?" she asks and he nods. She leads him away from the busy streets of Manhattan and towards a more secluded place with less people.

"What do ya need ta talk ta me about?" he questions as she takes his hands in hers.

After thinking of multiple ways to tell him, she decided to just come out and tell him. "I'm pregnant," she smiles as the smile on his face fades. He lets go of her hands and walks farther away from her. He brings his face to his face trying to take in everything. "Are you okay?" she questions walking closer to him.

"I can't be a faddah. I barely have enough money to support meself let alone a kid," Mush worries.

"Don't worry. We'll figure evrything out-"

"No, I- I can't," he cuts her off before leaving. A look of pure shock appeared on her face as she realizes what just happened. She feels as if her whole world just crumpled around her feet.

*Six Months Later*

After her argument with Mush, she fled to Queens and she hasn't seen him since. She has spent the last six months wanting and wishing for him to show up, but he has made no effort to find her.

She's been living on the street having different jobs every now and then, trying her best to get by and make a living for herself to support herself and her child.

She would be lying if she said she didn't miss Mush. She missed having his arms around her. She missed his laugh and his voice. And everything reminded her of him.

But as each day became easier for her, it became harder for him. She was able to live with the pain of loneliness and having him walk out on her. But he couldn't.

The grief and regret was eating him alive. He often wonders where she was or if she was okay which leads him to what would have happened if he stayed?

Somehow, he will have to live with the pain and maybe someday move on, because as much as he hated it, he knew he could never be the man she deserves and needs. And the fact that he left her once he found it only proved it right.


Even though her and Mush are no longer together, she was still good friends with the boys, so, knowing she could use a friend or two, she decided to visit them.

She got to the lodging house sooner than she thought. She knocked on the door before walking in, seeing everyone just as they were a month ago.

"Madison?" Jack asks not recognizing her with her tired eyes and large stomach.

"Jack," she smiles giving him a small hug which he returned. "What happened to ya?" he questions.

"Mush didn't tell you?" she looks around seeing everyone shake their head. "He got me pregnant then left. I've been living in Queens trying to get by," she explains looking down at her hands.

"Why'd he leave ya?" Kid Blink asks.

"Something along the line of he couldn't be a father because he couldn't support a kid," she answers. "Where is he anyway?"

Mush leans on the edge of the roof, staring at the view trying to rid his mind of her. Lately, that's all he's been trying to do, but he hasn't been able to succeed. Whenever he let his mind wander, it would lead him to her. And the guilt was too much to handle.

He sighs and backs away from the edge, heading towards the fire escape tired of trying. He climbs into the window before walking down the stairs before stopping halfway.

There, near the bottom of the stairs, was Madison. She sat with the younger newsies around her, asking her questions about the baby.

"Put your hand right... here," she guided Tumbler's hand on her stomach.

"It kicked," Tumbler exclaimed with a smile feeling the baby kick. Mush laughed silently while he watched the love of his life showing the younger newsies.

It was then, in that very moment, he knew he needed her back.

He continued walking down the stairs catching hers and the younger newsies attention. Her smile faded as did some of the smaller newsies, knowing what Mush had done.

"Madison, can I'se talk to ya?" he asks before she nods. The younger newsies leave to talk to the others as she follows him outside and into and alley nearby.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" she asks with her arms across her chest.

"I'm sorry an' I regret leavin' ya. Not only did I'se lose da love of me life, I'se lost my child. I'se feel so guilty an' I know I'se don't desoive ya, but I need ya. Da past month has been hell without ya. I love ya," he finishes his speech, looking up at her. She uncrosses her arms as she thinks everything over.

"Do you even know what it's been like for me? I've been living on the streets with no job, trying to keep myself and our child alive," she tells him as tears blur her vision from just thinking of what she had to go through.

"I don't know how I'se can evah make it up to ya, but I'll spend da rest of me life tryin'. Please," he walks closer to her.

"Do you want this baby?" she asks in a soft tone.

"I want ouah baby and I want you," he replies cupping her face, wiping away her tears. He keeps his gaze on her hazel eyes. He moves a piece of her red hair away from her hypnotic eyes itching for any response from her.

In one swift moment, she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. His arms fall to her waist, happy to have her in his arms again.

"I love you, too," she whispers in his ear before pulling out of the embrace. He connects his lips to hers, sharing a kiss full of love and passion. They both felt the magic they always feel whenever they kiss before they both pulled away.

He wraps an arm around her waist as they leave the alley with their little family together and happy as can be.

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