A Date's a Date

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Hey!! Here we go - another part! Finally...

The weather here at the moment is really windy and cold and University is already taking up so much time. I could probably whinge all day - I blame the weather! X)

The media for this chapter is N.Flying's Awesome because I have been listening to that song on repeat today!!  And the image is of Simba from an Instagram account called 'flowerjjcc' which I follow!! Some super cute photos are posted! :) 

Hope you enjoy :) :) 


"Hey? You're not feeling well?" Simba steps into your bedroom about twenty minutes later and sits on the edge of your bed.

Close to sleep you groan a little and roll around in a wild circle before peering over your covers at him.

"Just stressed", you manage to croak as you rub your eyes. "Sorry. What an awful host, going to bed like this."
"I was an awful guest", Simba insists, "I shouldn't have talked to that girl for so long. She came from the same province as me so I got a little caught up. Mianhae (I'm sorry)." He flops forwards, so he is practically lying alongside you, innocent face propped on a hand just inches from your sleep-swollen one. "We're not going to Han River then?"

You blink at his huge, pleading eyes and purse your lips, "We can still go if you'd like. Was Prince Mak-oppa okay?"


"Just like you, he asked to be in control of what I call him."

Simba chuckles, "Yeah. He's fine."

A heavy silence follows before you clap your hands together loudly, "Okay. Fine. Secret Agent Jin-ssi, I'll stay out of it. How many people do you think will be at the river?"

"Not sure. There's usually a few, why?"

"Wondering if I can get away with what I'm wearing", you say before grabbing his face and quickly pecking him on the lips. Then you kick yourself out from under the blanket and clamber over him, heading for your wardrobe. "I'll pop on a few jumpers and we can go."

"You're really wearing that out?"

You're surprised at this comment and turn to him as he rises to a sitting position on the edge of your bed.

"Are you judging me?" you accuse.

Simba's small smile splits into a grin, "No. I think it's cool you don't care. You don't look that bad and you'll be comfy."

You shrug, "I do care, I just lack motivation to do anything about it right now. I won't embarrass you, will I?"

"Not a chance", Simba laughs, bouncing to his feet. "We have to hurry though. There's another show at nine, if we miss this one."

You jam your feet into a pair of boots and yank a bear eared beanie onto your head.

"Let me get a scarf and I'm ready."


Simba steers you enthusiastically along the path as you gaze out over the river, watching the fountains of gorgeous rainbow colours showering down. Gosh, it's beautiful. Your eyes trail up to the dark sky, the spatterings of piercing white light from the stars is hard to see due to the cities own light but are still there. You know the stars are there.

"I wish every day could be like this", Simba says as he pulls you tighter against his side.

You can feel his warmth, even through all your jumpers, and relax against him. The close proximity is comforting but makes it harder for you to walk straight and you trip over your own ankles within a few steps. Your body jerks violently in his arms and you hit the top of your head on his chin flopping over his other arm like a dead weight. It happens so quickly that you hang there for a few moments before the surprised sigh escapes your lips. But it's not over. Unbalanced by the smack in the face and sudden weight on the opposite side of his body, Simba stumbles off the path and seems to tetter on one foot for a few moments before collapsing into some sort of bush. You both break through the top branches loudly before finally coming to an ungraceful stop.

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