Chapter 12: Getting Crafty

Start from the beginning

He gave me a huge grin as well, all the worry gone; and planted a kiss on my lips. “You are so stubborn! Eat with me?”

I smiled and nodded, then we proceeded on eating the pancakes he made.

“So, uhm…” I’ll go to Seattle with Cary once you leave. Christian lives a few blocks from Cary’s house… so simple, but why can’t I say it!? “You’ll, ehm, leave in two days.” I said uneasily. I hate bringing up this kind of conversation.

Niall stopped eating, and then looked at me. “Don’t worry, love. I’ll call you every time I’m free. It’s like nothing changed. You might even get tired of hearing my voice”

“I would never get tired of hearing your voice.” I cooed.

Niall looked at his food and then grinned.

We finished our meal and Niall said he’d take a bath. I dismissed him and brought our dishes to the washer with the help of Cary.

“Dianne, the boys will be leaving in two days. We’ll go to Seattle after. Have you told Niall about it?”

“I was supposed to, but I can’t. I’m not ready. I don’t know how he’ll react to this. I can’t omit the fact that Christian lives near Martin’s house, but if I tell Niall, he’ll freak out. I just need to find a good timing.” I told Cary.

“Oh, okay then. No rushing. C’mere!” Cary put her other arm around me and pulled me into an awkward side hug. “Oh and by the way, Harry asked if we want to go to Fire tonight, you know, with the lads.”

“Yeah, I’d love to! I haven’t been out partying for quite a while now!” Fire is the most popular club in Oregon. It’s been visited by celebrities so much that the management decided to allot a separate lounge for them since they’ve always been swarmed by fans and paps.

“Oh, and I might go home in my apartment after we go clubbing” Cary added

“What? Why? I thought you’d stay until they leave?”

“Dad gave me a massive list of stuffs to buy. I need to buy all of them by tomorrow so that we’ll be all set when the boys get back to their tour”

“Oh, okay then” I smiled at Cary and she smiled back before turning away, reviewing the list on her phone.

I was sanitizing my hands when a smiling Louis appeared by the kitchen door. “Hey, Dianne!”

“Hey, Lou!” I beamed.

“Erm, this might seem embarrassing but I need advice.” Louis gave me a lopsided smile and can I just say that he’s so charming when he does that.

“Whatever for?”

“Ellie’s birthday is coming up, I need to buy her a present. I DON’T KNOW WHICH ONE TO BUY! I need girl help” Louis’ eyes were widening as he was explaining.

“Alright. When do you want to buy?”

“Ehm, now would be a great time.”

“Louis, I need to take a bath!”

“No need, love. You smell like pancakes! Great perfume, really trendy. Let’s go!”

Louis pulled me so hard that I didn’t even get the chance to change my clothes. Great.

”I have extra pants in the car! Don’t worry!” Louis shouted. Good, ‘cause I’m pretty sure Niall won’t like the idea of the world seeing my knickers.

I got on the seat next to the driver’s and quickly whipped out my iPhone and sent a quick text to Niall:

Nialler, off to buy a gift for Ellie with Louis. I don’t know where. See ya later!! xx

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