New news to the New found lost love

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"Why are you here and where the fuck have you been."said Andrew

"Even though it doesn't matter really. I was on a vacation for a week in the hospital where you never even fucking came to see me." I whipser/yelled, i didn't mean to say that out loud.

"No one even told me you were in the hospital to begin with."

"I got fucking shot, the only person I even thought about seeing was your stupid ass and by the way i heard you was all up on another bitch. I know what Fire does she was recording the whole fucking thing for me. Gosh I fucking trusted you but i'm so fucking stupid and blind to look past the love i thought i had for you." Why do i have to speak everything that comes or is on my mind.

"Your so fucking stupid i didn't know anything you didn't even tell me where you were going. How the fuck did you get shot? Is there something I don't know. i mean I love you too but you keep everything from me. I want to have kids with you.Your first kid-." He was cut off by someone saying

"Mommy what's going on and who's that man." Shit I was caught. I mine as well tell him..ohh i know imma just give him hints.

"Why is he calling you mommy when that's Fire's son Xavier?"

"Xavier go upstairs and leter we will go get ice-cream and go see grandma." he ran upstairs.

" he's Fire's son why is he calling you mommy?"he was so confused and clueless i could see every emotion ectched on his face

"Because he's my son i gave you so many hints already,Fuck you're so stupid."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm Fire."I took off my wig."I have the fiery red hair, the eyes, and the son. I snuck off at night while you tried to cheat on my with my 'sister' she was never my sister.Why did I ever Love you're stupid ass? Can you pleae answer that?"I really felt like crying but i' m stronger than that.

" I don't know i cant answer that but Marie I gurantee i love-"

"I can't listen to this anymore. What the fuck Marie You're Fire?What the hell is going on.Andrew babe why is she inside our house."Even though she tried to stand tall she had so much fear in her eyes.

'Serenity." I said in disbelief which was quickly replace with quriousty and anger."Why the fuck are you naked in MY room."a wave of realization hit me real hard. Serenity was completly naked,Like ass, titties, and coochie lips out.

"You been fucking this bitch in my house no fuck that in  my motherfucking bed. You low down disrespectful ass bitch after you said you loved me. You was gone ytry to give me a whole ass sob story when the bitch is booty butt naked i mean even her coochie lips is out. You did me dirty, and with me ex who broke my heart and I poured my heart out to you about her,wait she was the bitch all up on you in the fucking battle.Fuck i'm so stupid."

" You never told me I had a fucking son."

" I'm just going to leave now. Bye." she was now fully dressed and she ran out the house faster than lightning. Yup she was more than scared she was fucking terrified.

"let me tell you the story just sit down and listen."

* Flashback*

I feel like a whore and i'm so fucking stupid, I feel so fucking bad.I fucked my sister's boyfriend, she was killed, and now i'm pregnant by him this all in one week is so overwhelming. Oh yeah and on top of that we are moving and he will probably never get to see his son. I needed someone to tell.

" Mom i'm pregnant by Andrew and we are moving and i don't know what to do. he'll probably never get to see him. What do i do?"

" Well baby i love you and alll but you got yourself into this, you have to figure that part out on your own. But remember 'Your mind can reach the stars and back but the heart goes to infinity and beyond'" she kisseed my cheek and walked out the room just like my sister did right before she died.That's when i made my descision, I mean he doesn't even know where im moving to or that i'm pregnant. But i know one thing i'll always love him no matter what happens

* Flashback over*

" So there now you know.XAvier get your stuff we are going to grandma's!!" I started moving around and get my stuff ready until this niggah grabbed my arm roughly an made me face him.

"Marie where are you going with my son ?"

"That you knew nothing about until this day and now you want to just come in and play daddy Get The fuck outta Here With that deat-beat ass bummy ass stupid shit." I ripped my arm away from him and told Xavier to hurry up and use the bathroom before we left.He grabbed my arm again

" Marie please stay" He pleaded he looked genienly sorry but to bad I'm not falling for that again.

"You know i really would believe that but I've heard that lie from you so many fucking times< im done fighting for something that was never there. I hate you you worthless peice of shit you are a waste of space.I hope i never see you again."I said that with so much hatred and eyes void of any emotion so he knew it was real. iwasn't the same girl he tried to play years ago.

Me and Xavier walked out the door I looked back and saw him on his knee's crying it really broke my heart.

"Someone will come pick up my shit." I drove to my mom's house after getting my baby Xavier some ice-cream like i promised.

"Mom can you keep Xavier for a while until i get back on my feet."Tears were streaming down my face at this point.

"What happened?" I visibly stiffened and i turned all my emotions void even my eyes and i said coldy

"Andrew,Andrew happened." I said bye and walked out but not before talking to my son about what was going on.My mom already knew he broke my heart because i said his name so coldly. I needed a place to stay but then i realized i do still have my hide-out in New York. now all i have to do is break the news to everyone.Fuck this isnt my week.


Omg only the epilogue left and It's a thin line between a badboy and a thug will be over. All  the blood sweat and tears i put into this book but don't fret there will be a sequel.

Please go check out my new book "Bad Girls don't fall in Love' and comment or inbox me suggestions. Thanks

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