Saying Goodbye

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Just a warning, this oneshot is dark. I do not encourage such actions in real life.

I was desperate to understand, but I really couldn't wrap my head around what I had just heard from the boy that stood in front of me. Maybe it was just a bad dream. That would explain what was happening. It had to be a bad dream, and I was bound to wake up any moment now. Any moment now...

"I'm sorry, but I just think we've gone as far as we can in our relationship. Neither one of us is happy anymore right? After all, it's not like we've even been seeing much of each other lately. I think it's best if we both just move on, find someone new who can make us happy again. I'll come by tomorrow while you are at work and get my stuff. I'm spending the night at a friends place so I won't bother you tonight. Bye (y/n)." With those words, he turned around and walked out the door, leaving me behind as my world crashed down around me.

Didn't he understand? I'd been putting all those extra hours in for him. I'd wanted to surprise him for our two year anniversary. It was the longest I had been in a relationship before and I wanted him to know how special he was to me, sticking with me for so long even though we didn't get to spend as much time together as we both had wanted. But then again, maybe it was just me who had been feeling that way all this time?

Walking into the kitchen, I slid the top drawer open and pulled out the envelope, opening it to look down at the tickets I had gotten. He'd always wanted to go on a trip and I'd wanted to make at least that one dream come true, saving up hundreds of dollars to buy us each a round trip ticket to visit the hotsprings he was always talking about. It would have been a whole weekend together, just the two of us.

Clutching the tickets in my hand, I walked out to the balcony and saw him exiting the building below me. Without a sound, I raised my hand and let go. Of the tickets, of my love and of my future. The only sound I made that night was a softly whispered goodbye as he looked down wide-eyed at my shattered body, the tickets fluttering slowly to the ground at his feet.

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