The Awakening

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The first thing my mind acknowledged was the sound of shuffling all around me. Like feet slowly dragging themselves down an echoing passage. Then I noticed the smell, damp and musty, filling my nose as my body slowly started waking up, one sense at a time. I barely managed to force my eyes open, blurs of flickering color slowly sharpening until I was looking at what appeared to be several people slowly walking past me, dragging their feet in the dirt as they moved down the poorly lit tunnel I found myself in.

I forced myself upright into a sitting position and tried to call out to them. All that came out of my mouth was a breathless whisper of sound, softer than the breeze that suddenly whipped down the tunnel and caused the light around me to flicker. Looking for the source, I managed to make out a small fire burning along the wall further down the tunnel. Using the wall for support, I worked myself into a standing position, wondering why nobody around me seemed to notice my struggle and come over to help. Maybe in the dim light they couldn't make out my struggling or thought I was just another drunkard like often seen stumbling down alleyways at night after leaving a bar. I looked down the tunnel and saw a brighter light further down to my right, past the small fire that was burning ahead of me.

Might as well head that way like everyone else down here was. I wondered how I got here in the first place, everything before my waking up was just a large blur of thought, like looking into a deep, murky pool and trying to see the bottom. I figured my best bet was to find the source of the light down the tunnel and hope that someone there could help me. Maybe they could tell me where I was, what was happening, why everyone seemed like they were practically sleepwalking. They didn't even react when I started shuffling down the tunnel, using the wall to keep balance as I moved forward. I was exhausted by the time I entered the cavern the tunnel led to, a bonfire burning brightly on a small piece of land in the middle of a crystal clear pool of water.

Ok, I'm posting this in here with my random one shots but I have also decided to post it as a separate book if you are interested in joining me as I see where the heck it goes from here. There are only a couple very very minor changes to this part, which has become the prologue, so feel free to skip straight to chapter one if you want. Hopefully I will be struck with some awesome creativity for the story and it will have chapters flying left and right. But I hope even more that I will be able to write a story that people will enjoy reading, even if the chapters end up short and/or infrequent. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful day/night!

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