chapter 9

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Its now the 28th of May as of half 11 today after my english summer test I am finished until September, all I want to do is go home and sleep for summer, obviously I can't. I sat in class for fifteen minutes waiting for the bell to ring, I thought about the last 6 weeks, they have been very eventful. Let me fill you in, I started both my jobs, after school I worked from half four to half six, I arranged lifts for the children every evening from their various activities and i usually picked up the older ones when i was finished, sometimes if Betty was available she would mind the children. After i picked up the older children i would race home stick on the dinner i had prepared for that day on the sunday and at 7:45 I would head back from work at 11:30. Benny would have put the children to Bed,  he had just turned 10 and Aaron had just turned four (3 days ago.) When i got home i would start my written homework and then i would prepare breakfast and lunch for the next day. I would then head to bed and sleep, waking at 6 the next morning to do my studying, before prparing for another day at school. From working i had made made approximitely €950, I had this money put away in the bank. I was happy to have made this money and I.. as i was thinking I was interrupted by the bell ringing, wow after a long hard year it was finally summer, and I had time to spend with my siblings. I missed Dad and Tom but he rang once a week to give me an update an to say hello. He transferred €200 a month to our account and I recieved childbenefit of 60 per child a month which meant I received €420 a month. money was slowly starting to drip into my account and I was happy. I was considering quitting my job in the pub for now and just working in the chemist, speaking of which I must ask them could i change my hours to suit my day now.

I was retrekking back into my ruminating state when I was suddenly shadowed by a tall dark figure, i opened my eyes and realised that my boyfriens Matt was standing above me, I smiled at him sweetly and he pulled me into a warm embrace. I looked at him and grinned, he picked me up and ran through the school, pushing everyone out of the way. He threw me into his pick-up and drove me to his, i hadn't been here before and it sure was nice to be somewhere different, he carried me over his left shoulder and ran up the stairs, I giggled and he jumped on the bed me and all, he then surprised me and kissed me with such power and passion that i felt as though i was flying. He kissed my neck and then... i guess you know where it lead, all i remember was waking by his side under his covers and i watched him sleep for a while, I took in his dark brown hair, it was windswept over his eyes, he had the most clear skin, it had a natural glow to it, had a six-pack from playing rugby and swimming , as i watched him i realised I was falling in love. I heard someone bang his front door and leap step by step up the stairs, i realised I was stark naked, i quickly grabbed my clothes and ran to his wardrobe, I heard his door burst open and his mother waltzed through the room. "MATT Get up" he groaned and ignored her. "MATT its afternoon seriously get up" He muttered "Maggie shutup", i tried to stifle my laughter. I qucikly but quietly pulled on my bra shirt and jumper and I went to put on my knickers and i couldn't find it, Oh HOLY CRAP! I peeped through a crack in the door of the wardrobe and saw my knickers at the foot of the bed, his mother glared at the knickers and then at Matt, she qucikly checked his ensuite and I saw Matt searching eratically for me and his boxers, he found his boxers and caught my eye, he started to point upwards, I looked up and saw the attic, i quickley and as quietly as i could pulled the cord down i climbed up his shelves and hopped in, all of a sudden I heard a loud bang and crash and realised it was his way to create a distraction, I pulled up the roof of the attic and sat there. I searched for my phone but i realised it fell last night as he threw me on the bed. I heard his mother screaming at him, and he told her it was a weird prank the lads played to rob knickers from the girls gearbags at pe. I sighed inrelief and couldn't help but stifle my laughter. His mother eventually left and went to the shops, I sat quietly waiting for him to get me, he opened it and i climbed down the stairs, when i went back into his room, He was lying on the bed spinning my frilly pink knickers in his hands, i luched for him and grabbed them from his hand but not before he tickled me. I rolled over and lay in his arms until i checked the time and jumped from the bed and quickly grabbed what i had thrown off last night. I grabbed him and told him that he must go drop me off at school so i could pick up the kids asap! We hopped into his pickup and drove to the school i hopped into my car and went to pick up the smaller 3, he told me he would pick up the older 3 and meet me back at the house. They had no activities today as friday was peace day! I drove home and stuck on fried chicken and pasta. I was just serving it up when Matt came in the door with the twins over is shoulders and  Benny on his back he let them drop to the sofa in the kitchen! roars of laughter filled the room, we all sat down for dinner once the farmhands were called and everytime i looked at Matt i couldn't stop laughing. 

I have 5 kids and the oldest is 9, im 17.Where stories live. Discover now