12. Mission Siall

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry Nialler I'm going to help you figure this out, tomorrow morning we'll gather up the boys and figure out a way for you to get Sam back for you, but for now try and get some sleep, ok?"

"I'll try." He mumbles as he gets under his covers, and Louis thanks for helping me." He smiles.

I smile, "No problem. Goodnight Nialler."


I hear him mumble a good night as I walk out of his room and quietly shut his door. I walk in to my room and to find Sam still awake under my covers clinging to my pillow. Her eyes red and her cheeks swelled from all her crying.

I climb into the bed and she snuggles up to me, she must have just recently stopped crying because I can still hear her hiccuping and breathing heavy.

"Shhh Sam it's ok. Everything is ok just get some sleep." I say softly to her.

"B-b-but-" she starts to say but I cut her off.

"How about this I won't go to sleep until you fall asleep to make sure your ok? How does that sound?" She nods in approval  as she shuts her eyes laying her head on my chest.


I wake up to see Sam sprawled across me still sleeping snoring like a pig. I chuckle and as gently as I can I manoeuvre myself so I'm out from under her and I get up.

Yawning I stretch my arms up high before picking Sam up and moving her back to her own room. Setting her down on her own bed before covering her up with her blankets.

Walking out I go over to Liam's room to find that no one is in there, Zayn and Harry's rooms are empty too. They must be eating breakfast, well I must go down and collect them for mission Siall.

What it was a late night naming? That was the best I got.

Walking down the steps I turn into the kitchen, "Ah just the people I was looking for.  You three are needed in Nialls room for a meeting." I say before turning around about to walk up to Nialls room when a Liam stops me.

"Not until you tell us what's going on we feel out of the loop and we know we're missing something big."

I sigh turing back around.


I finally take a breath trying to hurry the boys up or else I'm going to have two miserable people in this house and that won't be fun.

"I have no clue how I did it but I understood every word you just said." Harry says amazed.

"It's the Larry Stylinson powers." Zayn laughs.

"Funny, but we need to be upstairs right now so go into Nialls room and tell him I just have to get a few things before we start.

I jog up the stairs and hear the other boys behind me.


Walking backwards I drag a big whiteboard on wheels into Nialls room when I finally get it in front of the bed I take out a dry erase maker and start writing 'Mission Siall' on it.

"Ok so let Mission Siall commence. But before we start don't even ask about the whiteboard I don't know how I have it, I just do, and that was the best name I could come up with a 3 in the morning so no complaining about it."

"Okayy, lets begin. So what can we do to get Sam back." Liam says


"By golly we've got it!" I say excited this has got to work.

"Ok Zayn, Niall and I will get everything we need and set up. Louis, Harry you get Sam ready for tonight." Liam smiles.

"Eye eye captain." Harry salutes as Zayn rolls his eyes and Niall, Liam and Zayn head out.

"Lets do this Styles." We both walk out of Nialls room and quietly into Sam's to see her laying in her bed staring at he ceiling, her eyes puffy. She must have been crying again,

Harry walks over to her closet and starts looking for something to wear as I walk over to her.

"Ok Sam I know you have been in here pouting all day and you have every right, but were taking you out whether you like it or not." I smile sweetly at the end.

She looks over to me. "Louis just leave me alone to wallow  in my own self pity." Then she looks back up at the ceiling.

"Well too bad, your going anyways now put this on we're going shopping to find you something to wear." Harry says walking out of her closet.

She groans "But the clothes you picked don't even match."

"I'm not a wizard Sam I can't do everything." Harry replies.

And they say I'm the sassy one.

"Orange and purple Harry? I'm going to have to give you a lesson or two about matching clothes up."

"Whatever just change so we can go." Harry say.

Sam gets up from the bed and picks up the clothes before she looks over to us.

"What?" Harry and I say in unison.

"You guys are going to have to get out so I can change."

"Right. We're going." I say a blush creeping up on my cheeks, "Lets go Harry."

"That's ok I'd like to stay for this." Sam and I both give him a 'really' look before he puts his hands up in defence.

"What it was worth a shot." He says as I push him out the door.


To the side is a picture of what Niall's and Sam's shoes look like

So that's chapter 12 what do you guys think.

If you couldn't understand what Louis said when he was explaining to Liam Zayn and Harry ill write it out nicer for you.

"Niall and Sam have feelings for each other but Sam doesn't know that Niall likes her back and Niall knows because i told him last night and Sam had a bad dream and went to Niall but he told her to leave !because he was mad and Sam got upset and was crying her eyes out Now you guys are wanted in Nialls room so we can help get Sam and Niall together."

Hope that helped.

Continuing the superhero theme from before.

*deep voice* and so ends another chapter in the adventures of together till the end stay tuned next time for the new chapter.

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Love you guys

N xx

Together Till the End (Short Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara